Locks & Bolts

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Locks & Bolts
Locks & Bolts.png

"This place was not for you,
Was not meant for your eyes,
Was locked away for me alone."

LP Cost 1,500
Carpentry, Yeomanry.
Hearth Magic(s) Unlocked None
Required By (6) Cellar, Keyring, Metal Lock, Steel Lock, Strongbox, Wooden Lock
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"You have learned how to craft and install locks to protect chests, coffers, and gates from intruders."

What it does

This skill allows you to craft and install locks:Wooden, Metal and Steel, craft keys and keyrings, and unlock a Lock Pick skill in Adventure menu.

Installing the lock

A lock is used to secure a Fence, Palisade or Brickwall gate. As of a recent update, they can also be used to lock certain containers, such as a Strongbox or any type of Chest and on any Houses.

Attach it to the target by clicking the item and right-clicking it onto the gate. After installing a lock, you will receive the Master Key for it.

Master Key

Master Key.png Master keys can be used to:

  • Open gates in both directions.
  • Craft key copies: Have the Master Key in your inventory or an open container and use Craft > Odds & Ends > Lock & Key > Master Key Copy or Slave Key Copy. Each copy requires one Block of Wood (or Raw Glass for the Glass Key). The Master Key will not be consumed. Note: To even get the option to copy any key you must first create and install an uninstalled lock. This gives you a 'Master Key' and the 'Key Copy' discovery.
  • Make other uninstalled locks match the same key: Have the new lock(s) in your inventory, hold the Master Key and right-click a new lock with it and wait. Repeat for each new lock. Gates fitted with these locks can now be opened with any key that matches the Master Key used. You will not receive new keys when installing these locks.
  • Install a new lock: With the Master Key to the gate in your inventory, right-click a new lock onto the gate. You will receive a new Master Key and the old one won't work anymore. This is useful if a copy of the Master Key gets stolen.

Slave Key

Slave Key.png Slave keys can only be used to open gates from inside. They cannot be used to make multiple keys or change locks. This means that, should you lose it to theft or otherwise, it cannot be used to enter your base.

You can name keys by right-clicking them. They can be stored on a Keyring.

Glass Key

Glass Key.png Glass keys can only be used to open gates from inside. They cannot be used to make multiple keys or change locks. This means that, should you lose it to theft or otherwise, it cannot be used to enter your base. Works only once - then dissapears.

You can name keys by right-clicking them. They can be stored on a Keyring.


Locks on houses and containers, but not on gates or vehicles, can now be picked. If you encounter a locked door or container, you may attempt to pick it with a new action Adventure > Pick Lock, available with "Locks & Bolts". When you pick a lock, the are compared against the installed lock's quality, modified by a unique factor per lock type, to determine a picking time. The time required to pick a lock ranges from a low of more or less zero time, to a high of 24 RL hours. Beyond that you can't pick the lock at all. Once the timer expires, the lock is picked, and you may enter/open. The lock remains picked until someone with a proper key uses the door or container in question again. Additionaly the person with the proper key will be notified that a lock was picked when he opens said lock.

Removing the lock

Installed locks can be easily removed by clicking on the locked door/object with the related master key. This will give back the used, now attuned, lock.
Although a attuned lock can't be un-attuned, it can be re-attuned to an other master key.

(Locks-info don't shows which key there attuned to (can't). So its wise to always check this by clicking the intended master-key on the locks before installing them. If nothing happens, the lock is already attuned to that master-key.)


  • It is advised to never let the Master Key leave your walls, use only a Slave Key for going outside and Travel to Hearth Fire to get back in. Make sure that your Hearth Fire is inside first so you don't get locked outside of your own claim!
  • See the Notes section of the palisade page for correct gate placement.
  • Technical: The inside/outside area of a gate extends to the gate sides(no corner post). As such each gate-side has both the inside and outside part (Or: A slave key can open and close it from any open gate-side.)


The Master Key and Slave Key resemble the master key and small key from Zelda games, especially Link to the Past. Master keys were used to unlock boss doors and the treasure chest whereas small keys were used to open normal doors and small chests.

Game Development

  • Tansy Ridge (2024-11-30) >"Copied keys should now inherit the name of the "Master Key" from which they were made. (Key fix... get it?)"