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"Ettinaz saw the signs,
And read the Omens right.
He made from hides a tapestry,
To tell the gruesome tale."

LP Cost 2000
Hearth Magic.
Hearth Magic(s) Unlocked None
Required By (23) Battle Standard, Beige Pigment, Black Pigment, Blue Pigment, Brown Pigment, Custom Image Sketch, Flag, Flagpole, Gray Pigment, Green Pigment, Heraldic Cape, Lime Pigment, Orange Pigment, Painting (Item), Pink Pigment, Plain Tabard, Purple Pigment, Rectangular Parchment Lantern, Red Pigment, Teal Pigment, Turquoise Pigment, White Pigment, Yellow Pigment
Go to Skills Page

"You can wield a brush, and mix the pigments, to create graphic patterns of your own from images uploaded to the Haven & Hearth webpage."

This page refers to the Painting skill. For the item, see Painting (Item)

All painting related recipes can be found in:

Icon keyboard.pngCraft > Processing & Materials > Pigments & Imagery

The pigment colors, as they are displayed on artwork. This is your palette.

The Painting skill is required to craft custom sketches, which can be applied to some in-game objects.

Images can be uploaded on your account page, and then brought up for crafting in-game through Paint Sketch. Each sketch needs 2 dried hides, as well as 0.05 L of Linseed Oil per colour field, and various amounts of pigments depending on the colours. You also need a high enough Psyche to craft the sketch, determined by the amount of contours (0.5 PSY per contour), so complex images may be impossible for your character to craft.

After crafting the sketch, the objects to use it on need to be crafted with the sketch in your inventory. Make sure it is, because some things, such as a Shield, can be crafted without a sketch, resulting in the generic texture. To apply or reapply a sketch to a Barter Stand, hold the sketch and right-click the ownership sign. The sketch is always consumed.

Sketchbook Page (store item)

These allow you to circumvent all requirements to instantly craft any image into an in-game sketch, regardless of items or psyche needed.
They can be bought for real currency from the store page.


All pigment related recipes can be found in:

Icon keyboard.pngCraft > Processing & Materials > Pigments & ImageryPigments

Colour Amount Recipe Hex code Sample
Red Pigment.png Red Pigment 20 Poppy Flower x2, Beetroot #f01432
Orange Pigment.png Orange Pigment 30 Pumpkin Flesh x3, Tar (0.10 L) #dc5a1e
Yellow Pigment.png Yellow Pigment 25 Bittersweet Nightshade Berries, Bone Glue x2 #e6dc32
Green Pigment.png Green Pigment 30 Fresh Leaf of Pipeweed, Bone Glue #32b419
Turquoise Pigment.png Turquoise Pigment 15 Dross, Chicken Egg #5abebe
Blue Pigment.png Blue Pigment 25 Blueberries, Bone Glue #2828e6
Purple Pigment.png Purple Pigment 5 Cinnabar x2, Chicken Egg #be2882
White Pigment.png White Pigment 20 Limestone, Vegetable Oil (0.10 L) #dcdcdc
Black Pigment.png Black Pigment 40 Ashes (0.20 kg), Solid Fat #1e1e1e
Brown Pigment.png Brown Pigment 25 Soil x2, Tanning Fluid (0.10 L) #503526
Teal Pigment.png Teal Pigment 20 Zincspar, Vinegar (0.10 L) #1ce76e
Lime Pigment.png Lime Pigment 20 Olivine, Salt Water (0.10 L) #a3e71d
Gray Pigment.png Gray Pigment 15 Ashes (0.10 kg), Quicksilver (0.10 L) #808080
Beige Pigment.png Beige Pigment 20 Treebark x2, Mastic Fruit #b29b7b
Pink Pigment.png Pink Pigment 15 Red Pigment (0.10 kg), White Pigment (0.10 kg) #ee108e

Transparency can also be used in the source image. But note that transparency is used in a all or nothing fashion. A RGBA alpha value of 0-127 will become fully transparent, and a value of 128-255 will become fully opaque. (Transparent parts in the resulting image seems to be ignored for the resulting fields and contour data.)


On most things that can accept a sketch, the picture isn't just a centered square. Here are templates for some of them.

User Examples

Here are some examples of templates used by players.


  • Linseed Oil is obtained by pressing Flax Seeds in an Extraction Press.
  • Because there are only 9 basic colours and no transitions, uploaded images will be simplified to the nearest matching basic colours. You can preview how they will look on in-game objects on the uploads page.
  • It is possible to preview how your art will look on things by clicking on account, upload images, and then the view button under the sketch you want to see.
  • Uploaded images must not exceed 512x512 pixels, and are stored as squares with (2^n)x(2^n) size edges, ie: 512x512, 256x256, 128x128 and so on. uploading images of different size will result in stretching/compressing to the closest dimensions.

Modifying an image to Haven's palette with Gimp

Gimp is a free image editing program which can be downloaded at First, make your own palette using only Haven colors. A guide for that can be found here: Then set the picture mode to indexed (, using your palette and color dithering to Floyd-Steinberg. Using this method, you can make almost any image look good in the game.

Game Development

  • Colorful Carpet (2024-09-12) >"Added a Sketch/Custom Image upload GUI to the client. You need no longer manage your custom images via the webpage, and have access to a dynamic preview window which actually renders objects as they would appear ingame with your custom image, can be scaled, rotated, &c. You can also simply copy/paste images from and to the client. Quite neat!"
  • World 9 (2016-02-18) >"There is a new skill called Painting which allows access to Sketch and Pigment crafting, which are available to anyone. Sketch Pages from the store can instead be used to craft any pattern, irrespective of complexity, without the need for pigments or other inputs."