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Size (item)Item (inventory)size.<br><br>xitem & yitem.<br><br>xitem(only) also excepts 'unknown'.<br>yitem is ignore in that case. (Unknown)
Size (obj)Structure footprint in tile units.<br><br><i>Rounded-up from source.<br>Source: unknown x ...</i><br><br>xobst(only) also excepts 'unknown'.<br>yobst is ignore in that case. (Unknown)
Base-Quality 25
Hitpoints 85
Fleeing-Hitpoints 40
Creature-Products Garefowl Feather x2-3, Entrails, Raw Garefowl x1-3, Bone Material x2, Wishbone
Seasonality (See this page for now)
Terrain This data is specified at the individual Terrain pages. Seabird Rookery
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Garefowl, also known as Great Auks, are an extinct species of flightless seabird visually similar to modern-day penguins, though not closely related. Spawns in large flocks.



Passive until you attack them. Spawn in large flocks, but aggroes individually.

Combat Moves

Attacks Restorations

FellScratch.png Fell Scratch
  • Attack type: Striking, Backhanded
  • Openings: Off Balance
  • IP +1
Feather Flurry.png Feather Flurry
  • Attack type: Striking, Backhanded
  • Openings: Dizzy
  • IP -2

Bristle.png Bristle
  • Reduces: Off Balance, Dizzy, Reeling, Cornered
  • IP -3


Roughly the same as a Fox. With 15-20 combat stats spamming punch or sideswipe works fine. You'll need to be on a horse to catch it when it flees (they are faster inside water), unless you deal a high enough damage move to kill it before it begins to.

In-Game Example(s)

File:Garefowl-dead.png Dead Garefowl. Can be plucked for Garefowl Feather.
File:Garefowl-skinned.png Plucked Garefowl. Can be butchered for, Entrails and Raw Garefowl.
File:Garefowl-skeleton.png Garefowl Skeleton. Can be collected for Bone Material and Wishbone.


The Garefowl, also known as the Great Auk, was the original penguin. When what we now call penguins were discovered, they were mistaken for Garefowl and called garefowl/penguins, despite being an entirely different species that just so happened to be very similar. Due to a volcanic event that took place near a garefowl breeding ground killing many, and the fact they were an endangered species already, the species was left with only a few dozen survivors on an islet named Eldey, where they were killed for their skin and bones to preserve in museums. The last known garefowl was killed protecting its egg by a group of men employed by a merchant seeking its hide. With no garefowl left in the world, the modern penguin stole its name permanently.

Wikipedia article.

Game Development (empty)