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As of Season's Greetings (2019-08-21) Haven is having seasons.

Year cycle

A Haven year is 180 in-game days long.
Each year starts with the first day of the spring season. (exception: New world starts jump right into summer for game play reasons).
Each year has 4 seasons.
With Spring being 30, Summer 105, Autumn 30 and Winter 15 in-game game days long.
In addition Haven has 8 moon phases.
With one moon cycle taking 30 in-game days, which is also a Haven calendar month (DD-MM-YY) of which there are 6 in a year.
Each month starts halfway in the New Moon phase.
And each separate moon phase takes 3.75 in-game days.

Game-time to Real-time:

Game: 180d (Real: 54d 17h 4m ) - HnH Year.
Game: 105d (Real: 31d 21h 57m ) - Summer
Game: 30d (Real: 9d 2h 51m ) - Autumn, Spring & Moon cycle.
Game: 15d (Real: 4d 13h 25m ) - Winter
Game: 3d 18h (Real: 1d 3h 21m ) - Moon phase.

Phases of the_Moon:
Legacy-Phases of the Moon.png
New Moon / Waxing Crescent / First Quarter / Waxing Gibbous
Full Moon / Waning Gibbous / Last Quarter / Waning Crescent

General seasonal changes

  • Herbs have seasonality. Notably:
    • some herbs are exclusive to one season (e.g. Coltsfoot in Spring, Perfect Autumn Leaf in Autumn, Precious Snowflake in Winter)
    • Only Taproots, Mistletoe, and winter-exclusive herbs spawn in Winter
    • Berries and mushrooms only spawn in Summer and Autumn
    • Many non-exclusive herbs are more common in Autumn (particularly mushrooms)
  • Most small animals have seasonality. (See Creature Seasonality Table)
  • Some large animals have seasonality.
  • Cave herbs and creatures appear to be unaffected by Seasons
  • Crops fall fallow in winter. Fallow crops can be harvested for a reduced amount of seeds (7-8 per crop at full skills, or 1-2 products per crop for seedless crops). None cycling trellis crops mature slower in winter. Cycling trellis crops recede to their first cycle stage.
  • Fruit bearing trees drop their fruits during winter. During summer and fall, trees respawn their fruits with the traditional decay mechanic. That means no fruits or seeds on trees for ~20 real-time days.
  • The entire surface world is gradually covered in a thin layer of Snow during winter, which can be dug to reveal the ground underneath and to use in Snow-related crafting.
  • Rivers, lakes, and some ocean tiles gradually freeze over during winter.
  • You cannot plant seeds in winter

Minor seasonal features


  • Bird Nests have more eggs.



  • Snow will gradually cover the ground. Snow can be gathered off the ground (Adventure -> Dig) which also reveals the true ground-tile underneath it. Kicksled, a vehicle fast on snow and ice is more useful during winter.
  • Ice Blocks can be acquired using a pick-axe by chopping ice away on water (Adventure -> Dig).
  • Only some of herbs spawn on snow covered ground/terrain, but more forage spawn in winter on terrain cleared of snow.
  • Animals eat only about 50% during winter Fall Time Frolicking (2019-08-28).
  • Swamps are emptied and eventually freeze over. Animals and plants don't spawn in it during winter.
  • Both shallow and deep water freeze over, over the course of a few days.
  • Planted and trees and bushes keep growing in a slower manner, but won't yield any fruit, seeds(?), or leaves(?) until they reach full growth.
  • Fruit-bearing trees or bushes will visually drop their fruits to the ground during winter (and leave them there during spring), and picking them will give you "Yesteryear's Fruit"s, e.g. "Yesteryear's Red Apple", which is a slightly different version of the corresponding fresh fruit. (Ref: Yesteryear's Patch (2021-10-28).)
  • Trees and bushes found in caves, like Towercap and Withercorn, behave the same [Verify: Cave trees and bushes.].
  • Snow affects terraforming (Adventure -> Landscaping -> Survey Land), preventing you from digging or placing soil on terrain covered by snow.
  • Precious Snowflake can be found on snowy ground during winter.
  • Snowtop is a winter-only forageable mushroom.