Category:Verification Calls - Hafen

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This is a hidden category and its not shown on its member pages unless the appropriate user preference is set.
This is a Verification Calls - Hafen administration tracking category to keep track of verification Call usage on RoB.
Please do not delete this category (even if it is empty!) as long as the related Verify template is using this category.

This category lists articles with content based on speculation, or that at least contain a grain of doubt in them.

Please do not add this category directly to pages themselves, but use the {{Verify|optional short remark}} template call instead. (See the Verify template for additional options)

(If a recent, or older, remark is not showing. Hit the Refresh page-button, at the top of the page, to force the page to update/purge itself.)

Page (56)Remark
Adder CrownEgildatt: Dexterity and/or Will
Alchemist's TableTable impact on quality
Alchemyelixir damage formula
elixir quality
elixir softcap
Ancestral Shrinere-role time
Beautiful Ice SheetOcean
Cartshallow Ocean
Cave CoralPer * Exp
Charter StoneTurning the Stone on/off
Coral Reefrough corals only?
Dressing Tablehotkey path
EntrailsHard- vs soft-cap order
Ermine ClothQuality formula
FishingTalking Whale location
Giant Puffballperexp
Gilding SongGilding Song Cost Progression
Gingerbread Doughinfobox-assumed: skillreq:Baking
Goatloot:Bone Material (should not be a general item name)
Gold CutleryMath
Grave CairnDeath Mechanic Rework
Gray Pigment+hotkey(if any)
Hearth FireWhich Thingwall
HenDo Badger/Wolverine aggro/kill chickens
Horsefood consumption
HungerReal-time or Game-time
Lime Pigment+hotkey(if any)
Marsh-MallowPer * Exp
Meadfermentation time
Meteoric Studshotkey path
MeteoringGM in need of verifying/updating
Ore SmelterW13 formula updating
Purple Pigment+hotkey(if any)
QuicksilverSeems bad patch target
Raw Fox HideHard- vs soft-cap order
Realmlast minute diplomacy effect
Roast OrcaSatiation unknown
Roast Rock DoveFEPs, Hunger, Energy: unknown
Roast StoatSatiation unknown
Rock Crystaloutdated-quality updating
Rock Dove Squabsquab growth time
Ruby Boleteper*exp
SeasonsCave trees and bushes
SlingSling damage
Smoke Shedbatches per 10 blocks
SquirrelButchering hard-cap
Swimmingswim distance increases non-linearly
Tanner's FishlineTanning
Terrain max speed
ThingwallWhich Thingwall
TrollUse either H.ddd or H:MM notation
needs to use either H.ddd or H:MM notation
... further results