
From Ring of Brodgar
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Terrain Type (Map tiles, In-game tiles) Maximum Speed Trees Found Bushes Found Foragables Found Creatures Found
Ashland AshlandMap.png AshlandTerrain.webp (no data) 1: Charred Tree. (unknown) (unknown) (none).
Beach BeachMap.png BeachTerrain.png Sprint 1: Pine Tree. Sandthorn Bush Beach Salvage, Washed-up Bladderwrack, Sand Grey Seal, Dryad, Crab, Sand Flea, Walrus.
Beech Grove BeechgroveMap.png BeechgroveTerrain.png Run 29: Alder Tree, Apple Tree, Bay Willow Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Chaste Tree, Checker Tree, Chestnut Tree, Crabapple Tree, Elm Tree, Goldenchain Tree, Green Apple Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Linden Tree, Medlar Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pear Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Sorb Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Terebinth Tree, Tree Heath Tree, Walnut Tree, Willow Tree, Wood Strawberry Tree, Zelkova Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackberry Bush, Blackcurrant Bush, Boxwood Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Elderberry Bush, Gooseberry Bush, Holly Bush, Redcurrant Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tundra Rose Bush Black Trumpets, Bloated Bolete, Blueberries, Chantrelles, Chiming Bluebell, Chives, Dandelion, Lingonberries, Morels, Parasol Mushroom [Verify], Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Yellowfeet Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Black Wood BlackWoodMap.png BlackWood.png Run 14: Ash Tree, Aspen Tree, Birch Tree, Black Pine Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Elm Tree, Juniper Tree, King's Oak Tree, Larch Tree, Lote Tree, Pine Tree, Spruce Tree, Tree Heath Tree, Whitebeam Tree. Bog-Myrtle Bush, Crampbark Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Raspberry Bush, Sandthorn Bush Giant Puffball, Blueberries, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Chantrelles, Lingonberries, Yellowfeet, Kvann, Blood Stern Bear, Boar, Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Blue Sod BluesodMap.png BluesodTerrain.png Sprint 30: Almond Tree, Apple Tree, Ash Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Cherry Tree, Crabapple Tree, Elm Tree, Fir Tree, Goldenchain Tree, Green Apple Tree, Hazel Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pear Tree, Pine Tree, Plum Tree, Poplar Tree, Quince Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Walnut Tree, Whitebeam Tree, Willow Tree. Blackberry Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Boxwood Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Spindle Bush Dandelion, Dill, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Giant Puffball, Uncommon Snapdragon Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Grasshopper.
Bog BogMap.png BogTerrain.png Wade/Walk 2: Larch Tree, Pine Tree. Bog-Myrtle Bush, Swamp Lily Lady's Mantle, Dewy Lady's Mantle, Candleberry, Frog's Crown, Royal Toadstool, Waybroad, Rainbowpad, Camomile Forest Lizard, Dryad, Frog, Leech, Toad, Dragonfly, Firefly, Midge Swarm, Bog Turtle.
Bounty Acre BountyAcreMap.png Bounty Acre.png Sprint


12: Alder Tree, Cherry Tree, Crabapple Tree, Dogwood Tree, Lote Tree, Persimmon Tree, Plum Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Sorb Tree, Walnut Tree, Willow Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackberry Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Holly Bush, Mastic Bush Camomile, Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Uncommon Snapdragon Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Grasshopper.
Bull Grass Bull Grass Map.png File:Bull Grass Terrain.jpg (no data) (none) (no data) (no data) (none)
Cave CaveMap.png CaveTerrain.png Sprint 5: Gloomcap, Gnome's Cap, Mound Tree, Towercap, Trumpet Chantrelle. Poppycaps, Witherstand Glimmermoss, Cavebulb, Cave Coral, Stalagoom, Cave Lantern, Lamp Stalk, Indigo Cap, Stalagmite(occur naturally in caves) Rat, Boreworm, Bat, Forest Snail, Troll, Stalagoomba, Cave Angler, Cave Centipede, Cave Louse, Cave Moth, Chasm Conch, Green Ooze.
Cloud Range CloudrangeMap.png CloudrangeTerrain.png Sprint 17: Alder Tree, Aspen Tree, Beech Tree, Chestnut Tree, Crabapple Tree, Elm Tree, Goldenchain Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pear Tree, Pine Tree, Sycamore Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Terebinth Tree, Willow Tree, Wood Strawberry Tree, Wych Elm Tree. (unknown) Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Uncommon Snapdragon, Giant Puffball, Strawberry Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Mole, Grasshopper, Moonmoth.
Deep Ocean Deep Ocean Map.png File:Deep Ocean Terrain.jpg (no data) (none) (None) (no data) (none).
Deep Tangle DeeptangleMap.png DeepTangleTerrain.png Run 34: Alder Tree, Almond Tree, Apple Tree, Ash Tree, Aspen Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Black Pine Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Cherry Tree, Conker Tree, Elm Tree, Fir Tree, Green Apple Tree, Hazel Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Juniper Tree, King's Oak Tree, Larch Tree, Maple Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Plum Tree, Poplar Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Walnut Tree, Whitebeam Tree, Willow Tree, Yew Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Blackcurrant Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Elderberry Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Holly Bush, Raspberry Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Bloated Bolete, Chantrelles, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Chiming Bluebell, Strawberry, Chives, Parasol Mushroom [Verify], Yarrow Bear, Boar, Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Deep Water DeepwaterMap.png DeepwaterTerrain.png (no data)


[Verify: (page-fix).]
(none) (None) (no data)

(fish, Water (can be collected from Deep Water))

Dirt (trails) DirtMap.png DirtTerrain.png Sprint (none) (None) (None) Dryad.
Dry Flat DryflatMap.png DryflatTerrain.png Sprint 12: Almond Tree, Ash Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Cedar Tree, Cypress Tree, Laurel Tree, Lemon Tree, Linden Tree, Olive Tree, Sallow Tree, Sweetgum Tree, Walnut Tree. (unknown) Dandelion, Field Blewits, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Adder, Mammoth, Magpie (Bird), Reindeer, Cock, Mole, Grasshopper.
Dry Weald DryWealdMap.png Dry Weald.png Run 16: Aspen Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Black Pine Tree, Black Poplar Tree, Gray Alder Tree, Hazel Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Juniper Tree, King's Oak Tree, Larch Tree, Linden Tree, Pine Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Tree Heath Tree, Wych Elm Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Bog-Myrtle Bush, Gorse Bush, Holly Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush Blueberries, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Yellowfeet, Bloated Bolete Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine, Stoat.
Fen FenMap.png FenTerrain.png Wade/Walk 2: Pine Tree, Willow Tree. Hawthorn Bush, Swamp Lily Lady's Mantle, Dewy Lady's Mantle, Candleberry, Frog's Crown, Royal Toadstool, Waybroad, Rainbowpad, Camomile Forest Lizard, Dryad, Frog, Leech, Toad, Dragonfly, Firefly, Midge Swarm, Bog Turtle, Moonmoth.
Flower Meadow FlowermeadowMap.png FlowermeadowTerrain.png Sprint 17: Alder Tree, Apple Tree, Bay Willow Tree, Beech Tree, Carob Tree, Cork Oak Tree, Crabapple Tree, Goldenchain Tree, Green Apple Tree, Pear Tree, Persimmon Tree, Plane Tree, Plum Tree, Rowan Tree, Silver Fir Tree, Sweetgum Tree, Willow Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackberry Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Holly Bush, Tibast Bush Camomile, Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Uncommon Snapdragon, Yarrow, Blueberries, Chantrelles, Chives, Lingonberries, Morels, Parasol Mushroom [Verify], Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Strawberry, Yellowfeet Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Mole, Grasshopper, Monarch Butterfly.
Gleam Grotto Gleam Grotto.png Gleam Grotto Terrain.png Sprint 2: Mound Tree, Towercap. Ghostpipe, Poppycaps, Witherstand Stalagoom, Glimmermoss, Cave Clay(rarely), Cave Coral, Cavebulb Rat, Bat, Cave Centipede, Cave Moth, Caverat.
Grass GrassMap.png GrassTerrain.png Sprint 10: Bay Willow Tree, Beech Tree, Chestnut Tree, Linden Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pear Tree, Pine Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Willow Tree. Boxwood Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Elderberry Bush Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Uncommon Snapdragon, Yarrow, Chiming Bluebell [Verify], Stinging Nettle Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Mammoth, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Grasshopper.
Green Brake Greenbrake MiniMap.png Greenbrake.png Run


15: Alder Tree, Beech Tree, Cherry Tree, Crabapple Tree, Dogwood Tree, Lote Tree, Persimmon Tree, Plum Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Sorb Tree, Tree Heath Tree, Walnut Tree, Whitebeam Tree, Willow Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackberry Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Fly Woodbine Bush, Holly Bush, Mastic Bush, Raspberry Bush, Spindle Bush Dandelion, Clover, Wild Windsown Weed, Lingonberries, Spindly Taproot, Strawberry Aurochs, Ant Hill, Wood Grouse Hen.
Greens Ward Greensward Map.png Greensward Terrain.png Sprint 15: Apple Tree, Bay Willow Tree, Checker Tree, Conker Tree, Fig Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Medlar Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Poplar Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Terebinth Tree, Wood Strawberry Tree, Wych Elm Tree. Caprifole Bush, Redcurrant Bush Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Uncommon Snapdragon, Wintergreen Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Mammoth, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Grasshopper, Monarch Butterfly.
Grove GroveMap.png File:GroveTerrain.png Run (none) (no data) Blueberries, Chantrelles, Chiming Bluebell, Chives, Clover, Dandelion, Four-Leaf Clover, Giant Puffball, Lingonberries, Morels, Parasol Mushroom [Verify], Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Yarrow, Yellowfeet Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine, Bullfinch, Bullfinch Hen.
Hard Steppe HardsteppeMap.png HardsteppeTerrain.png Sprint 10: Alder Tree, Birch Tree, Elm Tree, Fir Tree, Larch Tree, Linden Tree, Pine Tree, Spruce Tree, Willow Tree, Yew Tree. Holly Bush, Sandthorn Bush Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Uncommon Snapdragon Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Reindeer, Cock, Mole, Grasshopper.
Heath HeathMap.png HeathTerrain.png Sprint 11: Black Pine Tree, Gray Alder Tree, Hazel Tree, Juniper Tree, Larch Tree, Maple Tree, Orange Tree, Pine Tree, Poplar Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Gorse Bush, Holly Bush Dandelion, Clover, Blueberry, Bloated Bolete, Wild Windsown Weed Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Cock.
High Seas High Seas Map.png File:High Seas Terrain.jpg (no data) (none) (None) (no data) (none).
Highground HighgroundMap.png HighgroundTerrain.png Sprint 27: Almond Tree, Apple Tree, Ash Tree, Birch Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Crabapple Tree, Elm Tree, Fig Tree, Goldenchain Tree, Gray Alder Tree, Green Apple Tree, Larch Tree, Mayflower Tree, Medlar Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pear Tree, Pine Tree, Plum Tree, Quince Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Sweetgum Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Willow Tree, Wood Strawberry Tree, Wych Elm Tree. Blackberry Bush, Boxwood Bush, Caprifole Bush, Spindle Bush Camomile, Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Uncommon Snapdragon, Chiming Bluebell [Verify], Stinging Nettle Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Mole, Grasshopper.
Lava LavaMap.png File:LavaTerrain.png (no data) (none) (no data) (no data) (none).
Leaf Detritus LeafMap.png LeafTerrain.png Run 21: Alder Tree, Almond Tree, Ash Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Cherry Tree, Elm Tree, Hazel Tree, King's Oak Tree, Linden Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Plum Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Sweetgum Tree, Sycamore Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Walnut Tree, Wych Elm Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackcurrant Bush, Boxwood Bush, Caprifole Bush, Elderberry Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Redcurrant Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tundra Rose Bush Giant Puffball, Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Yarrow, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Chiming Bluebell, Chives, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Parasol Mushroom [Verify] Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine, Bullfinch, Bullfinch Hen.
Leaf Patch LeafpatchMap.png LeafpatchTerrain.png Run 26: Alder Tree, Ash Tree, Bay Willow Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Chaste Tree, Cherry Tree, Chestnut Tree, Conker Tree, Elm Tree, Fir Tree, Hazel Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Larch Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Poplar Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Yew Tree, Zelkova Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackcurrant Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Boxwood Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Elderberry Bush, Holly Bush, Raspberry Bush, Redcurrant Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush, Tundra Rose Bush Giant Puffball, Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Yarrow, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Chiming Bluebell, Chives, Parasol Mushroom [Verify] Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Lichen Wold LichenwoldMap.png LichenwoldTerrain.png Run 12: Birch Tree, Black Pine Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Hazel Tree, Juniper Tree, Larch Tree, Orange Tree, Pine Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Tree Heath Tree, Whitebeam Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Holly Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Parasol Mushroom, Chiming Bluebell, Bloated Bolete, Black Trumpets Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Lush Cave Lush Cave.png Lush Cave Terrain.png Sprint (none) Poppycaps, Witherstand Stalagoom, Glimmermoss, Cave Clay(rarely), Cave Coral, Cavebulb Rat, Bat, Cave Centipede, Cave Moth, Caverat.
Lush Field Lush Field Map.png Lush Field Terrain.png Sprint 12: Ash Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Cherry Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Poplar Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Walnut Tree, Whitebeam Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Raspberry Bush Dandelion, Dill, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Uncommon Snapdragon, Liberty Caps, Stinging Nettle, Yarrow Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Grasshopper.
Moor MoorMap.png MoorTerrain.png Sprint 12: Ash Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Cherry Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Poplar Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Walnut Tree, Whitebeam Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Raspberry Bush Camomile, Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Uncommon Snapdragon, Chiming Bluebell [Verify], Stinging Nettle Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Mole, Grasshopper.
Moss Brush Moss Brush Map.png Moss Brush Terrain.png Run 27: Almond Tree, Apple Tree, Aspen Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Black Poplar Tree, Cherry Tree, Conker Tree, Fir Tree, Green Apple Tree, Hazel Tree, Hornbeam Tree, King's Oak Tree, Larch Tree, Maple Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Plum Tree, Poplar Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Spruce Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Walnut Tree, Yew Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Holly Bush, Raspberry Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Chives, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Chiming Bluebell, Bloated Bolete, Parasol Mushroom [Verify] Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Mountain Mountain Map.png Mountain Terrain.png Sprint 3: Dwarf Pine, Juniper Tree, Pine Tree. Fly Woodbine Bush, Tundra Rose Bush Edelweiß, Frog's Crown Adder, Eagle Owl, Golden Eagle, Mammoth, Magpie (Bird), Ptarmigan, Reindeer, Wildgoat, Wolf.
Mountain Snow Mountain Snow Map.png File:Mountain Snow Terrain.jpg (no data) (none) (no data) (no data) (none)
Mudflat DirtMap.png MudflatTerrain.png Sprint (none) (None) Acre Clay, Tangled Bramble, Thorny Thistle (none).
Oak Wilds Oak Wilds Map.png Oak Wilds Terrain.png Run 20: Aspen Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Black Poplar Tree, Cherry Tree, Chestnut Tree, Elm Tree, Hornbeam Tree, King's Oak Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Poplar Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Warty Birch Tree, Whitebeam Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Boxwood Bush, Crampbark Bush, Elderberry Bush, Raspberry Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tundra Rose Bush Bay Bolete, Blueberries, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Bloated Bolete, Chantrelles, Kvann, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Rustroot Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Ox Pasture Ox pasture Map.png Ox Pasture.png Sprint 16: Acacia Tree, Ash Tree, Birch Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Cedar Tree, Chaste Tree, Cherry Tree, Chestnut Tree, Cypress Tree, Laurel Tree, Lemon Tree, Lote Tree, Olive Tree, Sorb Tree, Walnut Tree, Zelkova Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Boxwood Bush, Caprifole Bush, Elderberry Bush, Tea Bush Clover, Coltsfoot, Dandelion, Lady's Mantle, Liberty Caps, Wild Windsown Weed Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Ladybug, Badger, Wild Horse, Mammoth, Cock, Bullfinch, Bullfinch Hen.
Peat Moss Peat Moss Map.png PeatmossTerrain.webp Sprint 13: Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Black Pine Tree, Chaste Tree, Dogwood Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Juniper Tree, Larch Tree, Linden Tree, Pine Tree, Rowan Tree, Spruce Tree, Zelkova Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Raspberry Bush, Bog-Myrtle Bush, Caprifole Bush Crampbark Bush, Elderberry Bush Clover, Dandelion, Uncommon Snapdragon, Wild Windsown Weed (none).
Pine Barren PinebarrenMap.png PinebarrenTerrain.png Run 14: Ash Tree, Birch Tree, Black Pine Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Fir Tree, Gray Alder Tree, Hazel Tree, Juniper Tree, Larch Tree, Pine Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Stone Pine Tree, Yew Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Bog-Myrtle Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Bloated Bolete, Chantrelles, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Parasol Mushroom, Chiming Bluebell, Black Trumpets Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Plowed Dirt PloweddirtMap.png PloweddirtTerrain.png Sprint (none) Crops Crops Earthworm.
Red Plain RedplainMap.png RedplainTerrain.png Sprint 25: Almond Tree, Ash Tree, Aspen Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Carob Tree, Cedar Tree, Cork Oak Tree, Cypress Tree, Elm Tree, Fir Tree, Hazel Tree, Juniper Tree, King's Oak Tree, Larch Tree, Laurel Tree, Mayflower Tree, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Plane Tree, Plum Tree, Sallow Tree, Silver Fir Tree, Spruce Tree, Sweetgum Tree, Tamarisk Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Caprifole Bush, Crampbark Bush, Tea Bush Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Uncommon Snapdragon, Lady's Mantle, Morels, Waybroad Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Grasshopper.
Rock Beach Rock Beach Map.png File:Rock Beach Terrain.jpg (no data) (none) (no data) (no data) (none)
Root Bosk RootboskMap.png RootboskTerrain.png Run 23: Alder Tree, Almond Tree, Apple Tree, Ash Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Chaste Tree, Crabapple Tree, Fir Tree, Gray Alder Tree, Green Apple Tree, Hazel Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Plum Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Terebinth Tree, Willow Tree, Zelkova Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackcurrant Bush, Caprifole Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Elderberry Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Holly Bush, Redcurrant Bush, Spindle Bush, Tibast Bush, Tundra Rose Bush Giant Puffball, Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Chantrelles, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Chiming Bluebell, Kvann, Blood Stern, Chives, Parasol Mushroom [Verify], Wild Windsown Weed, Yarrow Bear, Boar, Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine, Bullfinch, Bullfinch Hen.
Sand Cliff Sand Cliff Map.png Sand Cliff Terrain.png Sprint (none) (unknown) (unknown) (none).
Scrub Veld Scrub Veld Map.png Scrub Veld Terrain.png Sprint (none) Arrowwood Bush, Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Gooseberry Bush, Gorse Bush (unknown) (none).
Seabird Rookery File:Seabird Rookery Map.png Seabird Rookery.png Sprint (none) (no data) (no data) Seagull, Pelican, Garefowl.
Shade Hollow Shade Hollow.png Shade Hollow Terrain.png Sprint (none) Poppycaps, Witherstand Stalagoom, Glimmermoss, Cave Clay(rarely), Cave Coral, Cavebulb Rat, Boreworm, Bat, Cave Centipede, Cave Louse, Cave Moth, Cave Slime, Caverat.
Shady Copse ShadyCopseMap.png ShadyCopseTerrain.png Run 29: Acacia Tree, Alder Tree, Almond Tree, Ash Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Black Pine Tree, Cedar Tree, Cherry Tree, Cypress Tree, Dogwood Tree, Elm Tree, Hazel Tree, King's Oak Tree, Laurel Tree, Linden Tree, Lote Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Olive Tree, Plum Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Sorb Tree, Stone Pine Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Tree Heath Tree, Walnut Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackcurrant Bush, Boxwood Bush, Caprifole Bush, Elderberry Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Redcurrant Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tundra Rose Bush Giant Puffball, Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Yarrow, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Parasol Mushroom, Chiming Bluebell, Kvann Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine, Stoat.
Shallow Ocean Shallow Ocean Map.png File:Shallow Ocean Terrain.jpg (no data) (none) (None) (no data) (none)
Shallow Water ShallowwaterMap.png ShallowwaterTerrain.png Wade/Walk (none) (None) Cattail, Frogspawn, Green Kelp, Water, Peculiar Flotsam, River Pearl Mussel, Lamp Stalk, Cave Clay, fish, Gray Clay Grey Seal, Otter, Swan, Mallard Drake, Mallard Hen, Beaver, Waterstrider.
Skargard SkargardMap.png SkargardTerrain.png Sprint (none) None Beach Salvage, Common Starfish, Gooseneck Barnacle, Washed-up Bladderwrack, Sand (none).
Sombre Bramble SombrebrambleMap.png SomebrebrambleTerrain.png Run 31: Almond Tree, Apple Tree, Aspen Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Black Pine Tree, Black Poplar Tree, Cherry Tree, Conker Tree, Fir Tree, Green Apple Tree, Hazel Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Juniper Tree, King's Oak Tree, Larch Tree, Laurel Tree, Maple Tree, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Plum Tree, Poplar Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Sorb Tree, Spruce Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Walnut Tree, Whitebeam Tree, Yew Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Holly Bush, Raspberry Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Chives, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Chiming Bluebell, Bloated Bolete, Parasol Mushroom [Verify], Strawberry, Yarrow Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine, Mole.
Sour Timber Sour TimberMap.png Sour Timber.png Run 11: Black Pine Tree, Black Poplar Tree, Elm Tree, Fir Tree, Laurel Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Rowan Tree, Spruce Tree, Stone Pine Tree, Yew Tree. Blackthorn Bush, Bog-Myrtle Bush, Caprifole Bush Giant Puffball, Blueberries, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Chantrelles, Lingonberries, Yellowfeet, Blood Stern, Wild Windsown Weed Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Swamp SwampMap.png SwampTerrain.png Wade/Walk 2: Bay Willow Tree, Willow Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Swamp Lily Lady's Mantle, Dewy Lady's Mantle, Candleberry, Frog's Crown, Royal Toadstool, Waybroad, Rainbowpad, Camomile, Chiming Bluebell, Coltsfoot Forest Lizard, Dryad, Frog, Leech, Toad, Dragonfly, Firefly, Midge Swarm, Bog Turtle.
Timber Land Timber Land Map.png Timber Land Terrain.png Run 34: Almond Tree, Apple Tree, Aspen Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Black Pine Tree, Cherry Tree, Conker Tree, Fir Tree, Green Apple Tree, Hazel Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Juniper Tree, King's Oak Tree, Larch Tree, Maple Tree, Mayflower Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Plum Tree, Poplar Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Spruce Tree, Stone Pine Tree, Sycamore Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Walnut Tree, Warty Birch Tree, Whitebeam Tree, Wych Elm Tree, Yew Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Bog-Myrtle Bush, Caprifole Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Holly Bush, Raspberry Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush, Tundra Rose Bush Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Chives, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Chiming Bluebell, Bloated Bolete, Waybroad, Mistletoe, Rustroot, Parasol Mushroom [Verify] Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Wald Wald Map.png Wald Terrain.png Run 44: Alder Tree, Almond Tree, Apple Tree, Ash Tree, Aspen Tree, Bay Willow Tree, Beech Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Cedar Tree, Cherry Tree, Conker Tree, Cork Oak Tree, Cypress Tree, Elm Tree, Fir Tree, Goldenchain Tree, Green Apple Tree, Hazel Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Juniper Tree, King's Oak Tree, Larch Tree, Laurel Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Olive Tree, Orange Tree, Pine Tree, Plane Tree, Plum Tree, Poplar Tree, Quince Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Spruce Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Walnut Tree, Whitebeam Tree, Willow Tree, Yew Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Dog Rose Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Holly Bush, Raspberry Bush, Sandthorn Bush, Tibast Bush Blueberries, Dandelion, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Wild Windsown Weed, Chantrelles, Chives, Lingonberries, Morels, Yellowfeet, Chiming Bluebell, Bloated Bolete, Parasol Mushroom [Verify] Bear, Boar, Fox, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Earthworm, Dryad, Rat, Silkmoth, Aurochs, Frog, Ant Hill, Badger, Ants, Lynx, Adder, Grub, Toad, Red Deer, Bat, Firefly, Forest Snail, Hedgehog, Midge Swarm, Moose, Quail, Stag Beetle, Squirrel, Wild Bees, Wood Grouse Cock, Wood Grouse Hen, Wolverine.
Warm Depth Warm Depth.png Warm Depth Terrain.png Sprint 1: Mound Tree. Ghostpipe, Poppycaps, Witherstand Stalagoom, Glimmermoss, Cavebulb, Cave Coral, Cave Clay Boreworm, Bat, Cave Louse, Cave Moth, Cave Slime, Caverat.
Wild Cavern WildCavernMap.png Wild Cavern.png Sprint 2: Mound Tree, Towercap. Ghostpipe, Poppycaps, Witherstand Stalagoom, Glimmermoss, Cavebulb, Cave Coral, Cave Clay Boreworm, Bat, Cave Louse, Cave Moth, Cave Slime, Caverat.
Wild Moor WildMoorMap.png WildMoorTerrain.jpg Sprint 14: Alder Tree, Beech Tree, Elm Tree, Mayflower Tree, Mulberry Tree, Oak Tree, Persimmon Tree, Quince Tree, Sweetgum Tree, Sycamore Tree, Tamarisk Tree, Walnut Tree, Willow Tree, Wych Elm Tree. Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Blackberry Bush, Caprifole Bush, Hawthorn Bush, Hoarwithy Bush, Tundra Rose Bush ? ?.
Wild Turf Wild Turf Map.png Wild Turf Terrain.png Sprint 13: Ash Tree, Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Cherry Tree, Chestnut Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Linden Tree, Maple Tree, Poplar Tree, Rowan Tree, Sallow Tree, Walnut Tree, Whitebeam Tree. Arrowwood Bush, Blackthorn Bush, Caprifole Bush, Raspberry Bush Dandelion, Wild Windsown Weed, Clover, Four-Leaf Clover, Chiming Bluebell, Uncommon Snapdragon, Giant Puffball, Stinging Nettle Fox, Mouflon, Rabbit Doe, Rabbit Buck, Chick, Hen, Earthworm, Dryad, Silkmoth, Ladybug, Aurochs, Ant Hill, Badger, Wild Horse, Magpie (Bird), Cock, Grasshopper.

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