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Size (item)Item (inventory)size.<br><br>xitem & yitem.<br><br>xitem(only) also excepts 'unknown'.<br>yitem is ignore in that case. 2 x 2
Size (obj)Structure footprint in tile units.<br><br><i>Rounded-up from source.<br>Source: 0.181818 x 0.181818</i><br><br>xobst(only) also excepts 'unknown'.<br>yobst is ignore in that case. 0.2 x 0.2
Base-Quality 10
Hitpoints 10
Fleeing-Hitpoints 10
Creature-Products Dead Chicken: Chicken Feather x3, Raw Chicken Meat, Entrails, Bone Material or Wishbone(Rarely)
Seasonality (See this page for now)
Terrain This data is specified at the individual Terrain pages. Blue Sod, Bounty Acre, Cloud Range, Dry Flat, Flower Meadow, Grass, Greens Ward, Hard Steppe, Heath, Highground, Lush Field, Moor, Ox Pasture, Red Plain, Wild Turf
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Cocks are the male equivalent of Hens, and are required for producing fertilized Chicken Eggs.

How to Acquire

There are two possibilities:

  • Wild flocks of Chicken may randomly spawn on Grassland, and Moor. Right-clicking a Cock will cause your character to chase it. Once caught, it will appear in your inventory.
  • Build a Chicken Coop for breeding Chickens and Cocks. When a Chick is placed inside a Chicken Coop with sufficient fodder, it will turn into a Hen or Cock.

How to Use

  • A Cock can be slaughtered via the "Wring Its Neck" option which will convert it into a Dead Cock.
  • If killed via combat, it will leave a Dead Cock as its corpse.
  • Cocks require food, and if left in your inventory/storage will die, leaving a low quality Dead Cock. This will occur within 24 hours


  • If you do not have a Chicken Coop or fodder, you can keep your chickens alive longer than 3 days by releasing them and catching them again.


Game Development

  • Chicken Run (2020-12-13) >"Groups of chickens will now scatter and flee if they feel threatened, making them somewhat harder to massacre outright."