Ox Pasture

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Ox Pasture
Ox Pasture.png
Ox Pasture Terrain.
Can be paved Yes
Can be plowed Yes
Max Speed Sprint
Forageables Clover, Coltsfoot, Dandelion, Lady's Mantle, Liberty Caps, Wild Windsown Weed
Trees Acacia Tree, Ash Tree, Birch Tree, Buckthorn Tree, Cedar Tree, Chaste Tree, Cherry Tree, Chestnut Tree, Cypress Tree, Laurel Tree, Lemon Tree, Lote Tree, Olive Tree, Sorb Tree, Walnut Tree, Zelkova Tree
Flora Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Boxwood Bush, Caprifole Bush, Elderberry Bush, Tea Bush
Fauna Badger, Bullfinch, Bullfinch Hen, Chick, Cock, Earthworm, Fox, Hen, Ladybug, Mammoth, Rabbit Buck, Rabbit Doe, Wild Horse
Go to Terrain page.

A form of Grassland, Ox Pasture are a source of forageables such as Clover, Wild Windsown Weed and Dandelion, however, they are poor terrain for finding lumber, and as such, may not be the best place to settle down in during the early game without nearby access to more wooded terrains and biomes, such as Forests, though, after getting some progress in the game, they can become very useful for Hunt.

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