Peat Moss

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Peat Moss
Peat Moss Terrain.
Can be paved Yes
Can be plowed Yes
Max Speed Sprint
Forageables Clover, Dandelion, Uncommon Snapdragon, Wild Windsown Weed
Trees Birch Tree, Birdcherry Tree, Black Pine Tree, Chaste Tree, Dogwood Tree, Hornbeam Tree, Juniper Tree, Larch Tree, Linden Tree, Pine Tree, Rowan Tree, Spruce Tree, Zelkova Tree
Flora Bittersweet Nightshade Bush, Bog-Myrtle Bush, Caprifole Bush Crampbark Bush, Elderberry Bush, Raspberry Bush
Fauna (Unknown)
Go to Terrain page.

A form of Grassland.

Gives Peat when hand digging.

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