Bog Turtle

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Bog Turtle
Bog Turtle.png
Size (obj)Structure footprint in tile units.<br><br><i>Rounded-up from source.<br>Source: 0.181818 x 0.181818</i><br><br>xobst(only) also excepts 'unknown'.<br>yobst is ignore in that case. 0.2 x 0.2
Base-Quality 10
Hitpoints 1
Fleeing-Hitpoints 1
Creature-Products Dead Bog Turtle: Bog Turtle Shell, Entrails, Raw Bog Turtle x2
Seasonality (See this page for now)
Terrain This data is specified at the individual Terrain pages. Bog, Fen, Swamp
Back to Creatures

Bog Turtle is a swamp creature that can be butchered for Bog Turtle Shell, Entrails and Raw Bog Turtle meat. It takes up a 2x1 space in the inventory.

How To Acquire

Turtles can be found commonly on Swamp, Bog or Fen. They do not engage in combat and do not flee. You will need Hunting to pick up a turtle or killing them through trampling with a horse.

Also can be obtained instead of boulders while digging a Cellar at 9 lvl of caves.


  • Spitroasting turtle still gives Bog Turtle Shell.
  • Bog Turtle Shell is one of the most accessible sources of Finebone to a fresh character.
  • Most likely represents 'European pond turtle' (Emys orbicularis).


Game Development

  • Pelican Pool (2021-05-02) >""Bog Turtle"s no longer give an additional "Bone Material" when butchered, and thus only give their shells as bone materials."