
From Ring of Brodgar
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Name Aggro Conditions Behavior Notes Resources Image Armor BQBase Quality HPHitPoints FHPFleeing HitPoints
Adder Attack
Aggressive Fresh Adder Hide x2, Entrails, Bone Material x2, Adder Fang Adder.png 10 70 30
Ants Attack
Raiding its Ant Hill
Passive Attack in swarms if raided None Ant Swarm.png N/A 50 N/A
Aurochs Attack
10%+ chance on pulling hair
Can be fed Clover Fresh Aurochs Hide, Intestines x3, Entrails x3, Raw Wild Beef x14, Bone Material x6 Aurochs.png 15 30 350 250
Badger Attack
Aggressive Will attack Foxes & Beavers Fresh Badger Hide, Intestines x2, Entrails x2, Raw Badger x4, Bone Material x3 Badger.png 30 250 150
Bat Attack
(Also tied to movement speed)
Aggressive Passive if wearing Bat Wing Fresh Bat Hide, Entrails, Raw Bat, Bone Material, Bat Wings Sleepbat.png 15 90 60
Bear Attack
Aggressive Possess the Rage Ability Fresh Bear Hide x2, Intestines x6, Entrails x6, Raw Bear x20, Bone Material x12, Bear Tooth x1-4 Bear.png 65 60 850 ~500
Beaver Attack
Can swim Fresh Beaver Hide, Intestines, Entrails x2, Raw Beaver x3, Bone Material x2, Beaver Tail, Beaver Teeth Beaver.png 30 ~100 ~75
Boar Attack
Can be fed Clover
Can be outran
Fresh Boarhide, Intestines x3, Entrails x2, Raw Boar x8, Bone Material x4, Boar Tusk x 1-2 Boar.png 15 40 450 ~275
Bog Turtle None Passive Can be picked up Bog Turtle Shell, Entrails, Raw Bog Turtle x2, Bone Material Bog Turtle in-game.png 10 1 1
Boreworm Attack
Aggressive Can swim Fresh Boreworm Hide, Intestines x4,Entrails x3, Boreworm Meat x3, Boreworm Beak x1 Boreworm.jpg 31 20 1,200 800
Cachalot Attack
Proximity (Rarely)
Passive Currently strongest creature in the game. Cachalot Blowhole, Raw Cachalot x128 , Hvalraf x20-25, Cachalot Tooth x2-10, Whale Bone Material x30-40 Cachalot.png 150 120 50,000 Varies
Cattle None Passive None Cow's Milk, Raw Beef x10, Animal Fat, Intestines x2, Entrails x3, Fresh Cow Hide, Bone Material x6 Cattle.png (unknown)
Cave Angler Attack
Aggressive Only swim Intestines x3, Entrails x4, Filet of Cave Angler x10, Bone Material x4, Cave Angler Light, Fishy Eyeball Cave Angler.png 40 50 1200-1800 850-1300
Cave Centipede None Passive Can be picked up Cave Centipede Cave Centipede 2.jpg
Cave Louse Low Attack
Aggressive Can break mine supports.
Aggro all as one.
Intestines x2, Entrails x3, Cave Louse Meat x4 Cave Louse.png 50 40 1,000 300
Cave Moth None Passive Can be picked up Cave Moth CavemothIngame.png
Caverat Attack
Aggressive None Fresh Caverat Hide x1-2, Entrails, Raw Caverat x1-2, Bone Material x2, Caverat Whiskers x0-1 Caverat.png 10 120 75
Chasm Conch None Passive Leaves a green streak of mucus on the way Shard of Conch x18-21, Intestines x8, Entrails x20, Chasm Conch Meat x12, Horrid Love Dart x0-3, Grotesque Tumor x0-2 Chasm Conch Alive.png 200 100 20,000 Never
Chick None Passive Can be picked up
Hunted by Fox
A Bloody Mess... Chick ingame.png
Chicken Cock None Passive Can be picked up
Hunted by Fox
Dead Chicken: Chicken Feather x3, Raw Chicken Meat, Entrails, Bone Material or Wishbone(Rarely) Cockingame.png 10 10 10
Chicken Hen None Passive Can be picked up
Hunted by Fox
Dead Chicken: Chicken Feather x3, Raw Chicken Meat, Entrails, Bone Material or Wishbone(Rarely) Heningame.png 10 10 10
Crab None Passive Can be picked up
Will injure players when picked up
Crab Shell, Crab Claw, Crab Meat, Crab Roe Crabbo.png 10
Dragonfly None Passive Can be picked up Emerald Dragonfly, Ruby Dragonfly Dragonfly.png
Dryad None Passive Cannot attack
Cannot interact
None Dryad.png
Eagle Owl Low Attack
Passive Can fly Dead Eagle Owl: Eagle Owl Feather x1-3, Eagle Owl Eye x0-2, Entrails x2, Eagle Owl Meat x3, Bone Material x2 Eagle Owl.png 30 ~180 ~100
Firefly None Passive Spawn at Night and Can be picked up Firefly Fireflyingame.jpg
Forest Lizard None Passive Can be picked up Forest Lizard Lizardingame.png
Forest Snail None Passive Can be picked up Forest Snail Forest Snail ingame.jpg
Fox Attack Passive Will attack chickens, squirrels, hedgehogs. Raw Fox Hide, Intestines x1, Entrails x1, Raw Fox x2, Bone Material x2 Fox.png 25 110 75
Frog None Passive Can be picked up Frog Froggoe.png
Goat None Passive None Goat's Milk, Mohair, Fresh Goat Hide, Intestines x2, Entrails x2, Raw Chevon x2, Bone Material x6 Goat.png 10 200 100
Golden Eagle Attack
Aggressive (Rarely) Can fly
Can swim
Dead Golden Eagle: Golden Eagle Feather x2, Entrails x3, Golden Eagle Meat x4, Bone Material x3, Golden Eagle Talon Golden Eagle.png 50 ~250 ~80
Grasshopper None Passive Can be picked up Grasshopper Asshopper.png
Green Ooze Attack
Aggressive Underground Monster
Splits into multiple Oozes during Combat
Become stronger and more frequent the further underground you travel.
Cave Slime Green Ooze.png 20 from 60 to 500 depends on mine lvl 30 - 100
Grey Seal None Passive Can Swim very fast Fresh Grey Seal Hide x1-2, Intestines x2, Entrails x2, Raw Grey Seal x6, Bone Material x3, Flipper Bones x1-3 Grey Seal.jpg 35 ~320 ~240
Grub None Passive Can be picked up Grub Grubingame.png
Hedgehog None Flees Can be picked up
Hunted by Fox
Will injure players when picked up.
Fresh Hedgehog Skin, Entrails, Raw Hedgehog x2, Bone Material, Hedgehog Quills Hedgehogingame.png 10 40 40
Hopped-up Cone Cow None Passive This creature is the only living thing which cannot be found in the wild and must be crafted. Hopped-up Cone Cow Hopped.png
Horse None Passive Can be ridden.
Kill small creatures underfoot.
Fresh Horse Hide, Entrails x4, Intestines x4, Raw Horse x8, Bone Material x10
(all quantities taken from Q10 horse)
Horse.png unknown
Irrlight None Passive Randomly appears when working with fire.
Will spawn if Pyrite Spark is dropped.
Irrlight Irrbloss.png
Itsy Bitsy Spider None Passive Obtained randomly by foraging. Runs very fast if dropped. Itsy Bitsy Spider Spiderr.png
Jellyfish None Passive Can be picked up Jellyfish Jellyfish in game.png
Ladybug None Passive Can be picked up Ladybug Ladybugingame.png
Lynx Attack
Aggressive Ultra Fast Fresh Lynx Hide, Intestines x3, Entrails x2, Raw Lynx x6, Bone Material x3, Lynx Claws x3 Lynx.png 35 45 400 150
Magpie None Flees Can be picked up
Can Fly
Can Swim
Dead Magpie: Mallard Feather, Entrails, Magpie Meat, Bone Material or Wishbone Magpieingame.jpg
Mallard Drake None Flees Can be picked up
Can Fly
Can Swim
Dead Mallard: Mallard Feather, Entrails, Mallard Meat, Bone Material or Wishbone Ducko.png 10 10 10
Mallard Hen None Flees Can be picked up
Can Fly
Can Swim
Dead Mallard: Mallard Feather, Entrails, Mallard Meat, Bone Material or Wishbone Duckoo.png 10 10 10
Mammoth Attack
Proximity (Rarely)
Passive Ultra strong
Has ranged attack
Fresh Mammoth Hide x4, Intestines x10, Entrails x10, Mammoth Meat x25, Bone Material x16, Mammoth Tusk x2 Mammoth.png 125 80 4,000 2,800
Midge Swarm Attack
Aggressive Untargetable N\A Midge Swarm.png
Mole None Flees Can be picked up
Can teleport
Entrails x1, Bone Material x1, Fresh Mole Hide x1, Raw Mole x1, Mole's Pawbone x1 Mole ingame.png 10 30 30
Monarch Butterfly None Passive Can be picked up Monarch Butterfly MonarchButterflyIngame.png
Moonmoth None Passive Can be picked up Moonmoth Moonmoth in-game.png
Moose Attack


Aggressive None Fresh Moose Hide x2, Intestines x4, Entrails x3, Moose Meat x14, Bone Material x10, Moose Antlers x1 Moose.png 65 50 800 ~800
Mouflon Attack Passive
Can be fed Clover Fresh Mouflon Hide, Intestines x1, Entrails x3, Raw Wild Mutton x6, Bone Material x3. Mouflon.png 25 200 120
Nidbane Vengance Pursues the guilty Summoned using a Runed Dolmen and Nidbane Fetters None Nidbaneingame.png ? None
Orca Attack
Aggressive Herd never splits up.
Aggro all as one.
Raw Orca x48, Animal Fat x16, Orca Brain, Orca Tooth x5 Orca.png 100 80 20,000 14000 (Bleeds for 400 hp per tick when fleeing)
Otter Attack Passive Can Swim Fresh Otter Hide x1, Entrails x1, Raw Otter x2, Bone Material x1 Otter.png 10 100 60
Pelican None Passive Can Fly
Can Swim
Dead Pelican: Pelican Feather, Entrails, Pelican Meat, Wishbone Pelican.png 10 130 ~80
Pig None Passive None Fresh Pigskin x2, Intestines x2, Entrails x2, Raw Pork x6,Animal Fat x2,Bone Material x6,Boar Tusk x2 Pig.png 10 150
Ptarmigan None Flees Can be picked up
Can Fly
Can Swim
Dead Ptarmigan: Ptarmigan Feather, Entrails, Ptarmigan meat, Wishbone Ptarmiganingame.jpg 10 unknown unknown
Quail None Flees Can be picked up
Can Fly
Can Swim
Dead Quail: Quail Feather, Entrails, Quail Meat, Bone Material Quailingame.png 10 10 10
Bunny Rabbit None Passive Can be picked up
Hunted by Fox(?)
A Bloody Mess... Bunny Rabit ingame.png
Rabbit Buck None Flees Can be picked up
Hunted by Fox
Use Bunny Slippers to catch
Dead Rabbit: Fresh Rabbit Fur, Entrails, Raw Rabbit x2, Bone Material, Lucky Rabbit's Foot(Very Rarely) Rabbit Buckingame.png 10 30 30
Rabbit Doe None Flees Can be picked up
Hunted by Fox
Use Bunny Slippers to catch
Dead Rabbit: Fresh Rabbit Fur, Entrails, Raw Rabbit x2, Bone Material, Lucky Rabbit's Foot(Very Rarely) Rabbit Doeingame.png 10 30 30
Rat None Passive Can be picked up Rat Ratingame.png
Red Deer Attack Passive None Fresh Red Deer Hide, Intestines x2, Entrails x2, Raw Venison x10, Bone Material x4, Red Deer Antlers Deer.png 10 30 200 ~150
Reindeer Attack Passive
None Fresh Reindeer Hide, Intestines, Entrails x2, Raw Reindeer Venison x6, Bone Material x4, Reindeer Antlers Reindeer.png 0 30 200 110
Rock Dove None Flees Can be picked up
Can Fly
Dead Rock Dove: Rock Dove Feather, Entrails, Rock Dove Meat, Bone Material or Wishbone Rock Dove.png 10 10 10
Sand Flea None Passive Can be picked up Sand Flea Sandflea in-game.png
Seagull None Flees Can be picked up
Can Fly
Can Swim
Dead Seagull: Seagull Feather x2, Entrails, Seagull Meat x2, Bone Material or Wishbone Seagull-ingame.png 10 10 10
Sheep None Passive None Sheep's Milk, Fresh Sheepskin, Intestines x2, Raw Mutton x3, Bone Material x3, Wool Sheep.png 10 200 100
Silkmoth None Passive Can be picked up
Come in male and female varieties
Silkmoth Silkmothingame.png
Squirrel None Flees Can be picked up Fresh Squirrel Hide, Entrails, Raw Squirrel, Bone Material, Fresh Squirrel Tail Squirrel (2).png 10 10 10
Stag Beetle None Passive Can be picked up Stag Beetle Stag.png
Stalagoomba None Passive Randomly found when picking Stalagoom Stalagoomba Stalagoomba.gif
Stoat Attack Passive Very fast Fresh Stoat Hide or Fresh Ermine, Entrails, Raw Stoat x2, Bone Material Stoat.png 20 90 60
Swan Attack
Aggressive (Rarely) Can fly
Can swim
Swan Feather x1-3, Entrails, Swan Meat x3, Bone Material x2 Swan.png 10 ~150 ~80
Toad None Passive Can be picked up Toad Toadingame.png
Treant None Passive Cannot attack
Cannot interact
None Treant.png
Troll Attack
Aggressive Cause Caveins
Instant aggro when spawned
Fresh Troll Hide x2, Troll Meat x40, Trollbone x8, Troll Skull
and, depending on variation:

Troll Tusks, Troll's Third Eye, Troll Tail, Troll Hair, Troll Nose, Troll Mushrooms

Troll-TypeEye.jpg 125 80 1000+ ~40% health
Walrus Attack
Aggressive Can swim Fresh Walrus Hide, Intestines x3, Entrails x4, Raw Walrus x10, Bone Material x8, Walrus Tusk x2 Walrus.png 75 50 900 600
Waterstrider None Passive Only swim
Can be picked up
Waterstrider Waterstrider in-game.png
Wild Bees Attack
Raiding its Wild Beehive
Passive Attack in swarms if raided None Wild Bees.png N/A 50 N/A
Wildgoat Attack
Can be fed Clover
Aggro all as one.
Fresh Wildgoat Hide, Intestines OR Entrails x1-4, Raw Wildgoat x4, Bone Material x4, Wildgoat Horn x0-2 Wildgoat.jpg 30 300 200
Wild horse Attack Passive
Can be fed Clover
Can be Ridden
Kill small creatures underfoot.
Can be tamed to become a mare or a stallion.
Fresh Wildhorse Hide, Intestines x2, Entrails x2, Raw Wildhorse x6, Bone Material x5 Wild Horse.png 30 ~320 200
Wolf Attack
Aggressive Never split from the pride.
Aggro all as one.
Fresh Wolf Hide x2, Intestines x4, Entrails x3, Raw Wolf x10, Bone Material x6, Wolf's Claw x2-4 Wolf.png 50 50 500 400
Wolverine Attack
Aggressive Very fast.
Stronger than badger.
Weaker than boar.
Fresh Wolverine Hide, Entrails, Intestines, Raw Wolverine x3, Bone Material x2, Scent Gland Wolverine.png 30 300 200
Wood Grouse Cock Attack
Aggressive (Rarely) Can fly
Can Swim
Dead Wood Grouse Cock: Wood Grouse Feather x2, Wood Grouse Meat x3, Entrails x2, Bone Material x2, Wishbone(Rarely) Grouse.png 10 ~120 100
Wood Grouse Hen None Flees Can be picked up
Can Fly
Can Swim
Dead Wood Grouse Hen: Wood Grouse Feather, Wood Grouse Meat, Entrails, Bone Material and Wishbone(Rarely) Woodd.png 10 10 10