Rock Dove

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Rock Dove
Rock Dove.png
Size (obj)Structure footprint in tile units.<br><br><i>Rounded-up from source.<br>Source: 0.181818 x 0.181818</i><br><br>xobst(only) also excepts 'unknown'.<br>yobst is ignore in that case. 0.2 x 0.2
Base-Quality 10
Hitpoints 10
Fleeing-Hitpoints 10
Creature-Products Dead Rock Dove: Rock Dove Feather, Entrails, Rock Dove Meat, Bone Material or Wishbone
Seasonality (None)
Terrain This data is specified at the individual Terrain pages. (None)
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Right-click and select 'Wring neck' to receive a Dead Rock Dove.

Rock Doves will be attracted to Dovecotes with ample space and food, allowing for domesticated Doves to be born and hatched within the Dovecote to then be Homesteaded in Birdhouses.

How to Acquire

Can be found on Grassland terrain. Picked by Right-Сlick. Flight on 5(4 horse) speed.


  • Rock doves that are stored in a general container will die after some time. Which also takes a chunk out of there quality level.


Game Development

  • Pigeon Rock (2020-09-06) >"Added "Rock Dove", bird. "Pigeon" to you normies. In b4 jokes about bird patch, with the observation that there is a slightly bigger plan in the works here. Stay tuned."