
From Ring of Brodgar
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Farming also refers to an incrementable skill.


Legacy Haven & Hearth page.
"The RoB Wiki currently hosts information for both the current Haven & Hearth world as well as the legacy server. Please be aware that information relating to legacy should be found on pages with "legacy" in the name. While our editors have done their best to get things sorted, please be aware there may be some pages that haven't been moved properly and may still be flagged that the information is legacy and may not apply to the current world."

Just in case. There is a Legacy specific discussion page.
LP Cost 400
Skill(s) Required Plant Lore
Skill(s) Enabled Bee Keeping, Beermaking, Cheesemaking, Winemaking, Yeomanry
Required By Beetroot, Beetroot Leaves, Black Pepper, Boiled Pepper Drupes, Carrot, Carrot Seeds, Flour, Fresh Hemp Bud, Fresh Tea Leaves, Fresh Tobacco Leaf, Giant Pumpkin, Grape Crop, Grapes, Hemp Seeds, Hops Cones, Jack-o'-mask, Peapod, Peppercorn, Poppy Flower, Poppy Garland, Poppy Seeds, Poppy Wobbler, Pumpkin Seeds, Quern, Straw Basket, Straw Doll, Straw Hat, Tea Seeds, Tobacco, Tobacco Crop, Tobacco Seeds, Weird Beetroot, Wheat Crop, Wheat Seeds, Yellow Onion
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Farming and quality of seeds

The quality of farmed products is based upon the quality of the planted seed with a [-5, +5] random range. Two things have an effect on the final quality of the product: The farmer's farming skill level and the soil quality.

  • If the soil quality is lower than the quality of the planted seed, then the applied random range is capped to [-5, +2].
  • If the farming skill is lower than the quality of the harvested crop, than the crop quality is softcapped by the farming skill. So harvesting a crop of higher quality than your farming skill will result in lower quality harvested seeds.

Crop byproducts, like straw or plant fibres, are of the same quality as the planted seed.

Planting is not affected by the farming skill.

As each crop has a chance to produce seeds of slightly higher quality than that of the planted generation, harvesting all seeds first and only replanting the ones of highest quality will increase average seed quality, and thus product quality, over time. A higher Nature belief will greatly increase the speed at which crop quality rises, over time approaching your farming skill level.

In-Game Text


What it does:

Farming lets you plant and harvest crops (except grape seeds, which need winemaking), plant trees, plow fields, mill flour, and craft straw hats.

Adventure > Landscaping > Plow Field
  • Plows squares of furrowed soil that can be used to plant crops. Furrowed soil is not needed to plant trees, however. Plowing by hand uses more stamina than using the Plow item.
Adventure > Landscaping > Harvest Crop
Build > Containers
Craft > Cloth Making > Hats
Craft > Cooking > Ingredients

How to plant seeds:

To plant seeds in a plowed field you must left click the seeds in your inventory and then right click on the plowed field you wish to plant them on. Holding down the "Shift" key takes the next item out of your inventory so you may keep on right-clicking for continuous planting. If the seeds are kept in seedbags, the bag can be used to plant them instead of picking up each individual seed. Wait until the crops are ready and harvest. The time required depends on the type of crop and what you want to harvest from it.

Using well-placed beehives will speed up this process.

NOTE: Plowed fields will revert back to their original tile type over time.

About Crops

Please note this table is incomplete; information may be missing or incorrect.

Crop Field Planted with Additional Products and Information  2 Stage   3 Stage   4 Stage 
Carrot Carrot, Carrot Seeds Carrots (harvested based on their stage) 4 Hours 8 Hours 12 Hours
Beetroot Beetroot Beetroot Leaves - - 18 Hours
Flax Flax Seeds Plant Fibres 1 Day 1.5 Days 2 Days
Grapes Grape Seeds Grapes (result in seeds when eaten or pressed) - - -
Hemp Hemp Seeds Plant Fibres, Fresh Hemp Bud(third stage) - 33 hours 34 hours
Hops Hops Cones
- 12 hours -
Peas Peapod
- - 24 - 28 Hours
Peppercorn Peppercorn
- - 1 Day
Poppies Poppy Seeds Poppy Flower - - -
Pumpkin Pumpkin Seeds Giant Pumpkin(refers Pumpkin Seeds, Pumpkin Flesh) - - 5-7 days
Tea Tea Seeds Fresh Tea Leaves - - -
Tobacco Tobacco Seeds Fresh Tobacco Leaf - - 22 hours
Wheat Wheat Seeds Straw 1 Day 1.5 Days 2 Days
Yellow Onion Yellow Onion
- - -


  • Times listed are in real-time and assume use of a Beehive.
  • Stage 1 is the initial planted stage. Nothing can be done to any crop at this stage.
  • Carrots actually have 5 stages. In stage 3 they always yield 1 carrot; in stage 4, they yield 1 to 3 carrot seeds; in stage 5, they yield 1 to 3 carrots.