Ring of Brodgar:W16 Discoveries Notes

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This page is a condensed list of new stuff and major changes in world 16.
See also: HnH Topic: W16 Discoveries Thread

New Stuff (see related page)

New Stuff

  • Corn Grass (think this was not new to W16. It just has no pages yet) (not new, indeed))
  • Wild Kale - evolved into new crop: Green Kale
  • New crop: Garlic from Wild Onion
  • Biome: Thicket, seabird rookery.
  • Kritters: garefowl(bird)
  • Experience: Mighty Grove.
  • Some previous fixed curiosity properties seem now variable. (at least for Cruel Splinter)
  • Node drifting. Apparently a new W16 feature is the drifting of nodes each HnH month(new moon) => HnH Topic: Has anyone mapped the first quality node drift?

Discovered Changes

  • Trees seems to have been giving some additional variability making the same tree-type giving different logs, blocks & boards per tree. (could be something completely random ... Jorb loves random)
  • (Nettle clothing now increases agility, instead of decreasing it.)


  • Tree have been given a new 'growth scale' property (as per Ender-client topic).
  • (WIP) This property directly effects the quality of the tree's bough quality. It stands to reasons this also effect given Logs, Blocks & Boards output.

AS SUCH, it is (highly) advised to also take note of the 'growth scale' of the used/source tree. And if know include it with new W16 tree-related data. ... One problem here is that (at least with the Ender client) its not showing any tree 'growth scale' that is below 109%. (an other oddity is that a tree with, for example, a 'growth scale' of 111% will give a bough of quality 11.2 instead of 11.1.)

  • * Basically ... there might have been no change to the original tree results as known before W16. And any W16 deviations might just be the result of this new 'growth scale' (that's assuming the dev's did not add some other variability source).

Ripped leftovers from HnH forum

So far we have:

Wild kale, seeds and leaves.

New tick-borne disease: tick'd off. No penalties to stats.

There is Rock Salt in mines that can be grinded into salt and used as spice

seabird rookery biome type

- trees have randomized quality now, best I've seen was 14ql
-- the number of logs you get when you chop down a tree may differ now. Beech trees sometimes drop 3 logs.
-- More specifically, all trees can vary in size now, and bigger trees give more items, drop more logs, and are of higher quality. If you find a Grove it will always be a Grove of one tree (IE nothing but a ton of Birch Trees in a Birch Grove) and there will always be one big mama tree.