Stale Grapejuice

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Stale Grapejuice
Vital statistics
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. (None)
Object(s) Required Grapejuice
Required By (1) Vinegar
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How to Acquire

Grapejuice will decay into Stale Grapejuice when left longer than 5 hours in any container other than a barrel or a demijohn (for example, leaving it in the Extraction Press or in a bucket).
Grapejuice placed in a demijohn will ferment into Wine.
Grapejuice placed in a barrel will not ferment or decay.


There seems to be no use other than to ferment into Vinegar, which happens by itself after a week, unless put in a barrel.

If you add more grapejuice later, the fermentation doesn't reset but averages.