Talk:Roe (fish eggs)

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(Data dump: Signature deemed redundant)

  • No mixing of Reo. Ergo: No general Reo item (like with milk).
  • Three main Roe types/classes: Normal Roe, Fine-roe and (assuming, did not get this one yet) Caviar.
  • (graphics) Two part graphics (Roe variant + fish-type-icon) - (merging: image sizes!)
  • Can be placed in bucket and barrel.
  • (graphics, bucket) Same for both roe types. (assuming same for Caviar too)
  • (graphics, barrel+label) Same for both Roe types. (assuming same for Caviar too)
  • Naming/Pages:
  • Technically there is no general real "Roe" item. Real items are sub-labeled per fish-type. (that includes Fine-roe types)
  • Adding all those sub-labeled Roe's as pages seems currently a bit redundant and not 'that' useful (they have no additional data, other than there Roe-Class).
  • ... SMW SubObjects on Roe page (roe-class, fish), should potential support future FEP-modifier data. ...
Fish nr/FR
Abyss Gazer.png Abyss Gazer
Asp.png Asp Roe.png roe
Bass.png Bass Roe.png roe
Bream.png Bream Roe.png roe
Brill.png Brill Roe.png roe
Burbot.png Burbot Roe.png roe
Carp.png Carp
Catfish.png Catfish Roe.png roe
Cave Sculpin.png Cave Sculpin
Cavelacanth.png Cavelacanth Roe.png roe
Chub.png Chub
Cod.png Cod
Eel.png Eel Roe.png roe
Grayling.png Grayling Roe.png roe
Haddock.png Haddock Roe.png roe
Herring.png Herring
Ide.png Ide
Lavaret.png Lavaret Fineroe.png fineroe
Mackerel.png Mackerel
Mullet.png Mullet Roe.png roe
Pale Ghostfish.png Pale Ghostfish
Perch.png Perch Roe.png roe
Pike.png Pike Fineroe.png fineroe
Plaice.png Plaice Roe.png roe
Pomfret.png Pomfret
Roach.png Roach Roe.png roe
Rose Fish.png Rose Fish Roe.png roe
Ruffe.png Ruffe Roe.png roe
Saithe.png Saithe
Salmon.png Salmon Fineroe.png fineroe
Silver Bream.png Silver Bream Roe.png roe
Smelt.png Smelt Roe.png roe
Sturgeon.png Sturgeon (Caviar.png caviar )
Tench.png Tench
Trout.png Trout
Whiting.png Whiting Roe.png roe
Zander.png Zander Roe.png roe
Zope.png Zope