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Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Beehive Dungeon
Specific Type of Spices
Required By (Spices (48): Autumn Steak, Broiled Burbot, Bulldog, Caviar Canapé, Chewy Chevon, Chicken Salad, Clambake, Crab Cakes, Crackling Cutlets, Fat-Braised Veg, Fishballs, Fruit Jelly, Gingerbread Dough, Honey'd Bear, Hop Jellies, Iced Caviar, Jotun's Morsel, Leeky Fowl, Leg of a Boar, Lemon Fish, Liver & Onions, Meat Stuffing, Meat-in-Jelly, Moules Frites, Mushroom Mash, Mushroom Stuffing, Odds & Ends, Omelette, Pan-Seared Fish, Pickling Brine, Pumpkin Stew, Raw Mushroom-Burst Glutton, Roast Meat, Roe Stuffing, Roeboat, Shrimp Skewer, Spicy Salad, Steak & Tubers, Stuffed Puff, Tuber Mash, Unbaked Fishwrap, Unbaked Jelly Cake, Unbaked Magpie (Pie), Unbaked Meatpie, Unbaked Nutjerky, Unbaked Shepherd's Pie, Vegetable Stuffing, Wolfdog)
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Propolis is an item obtained inside Beehive Dungeon from the bee chests scattered inside certain rooms.

How to Use

Propolis can be used to increase the wax production of a Bee Skep and raise it's quality by +1.

Right-click the item on a Bee Skep to improve it. You can only improve a skep with Propolis once, but you can treat the same skep with Royal Jelly at the same time.

A visual difference is noticed in the rings around the skep changing color.


An ordinary, freshly built Bee Skep.
A Bee Skep with Propolis applied to it.