Trellis | |
Vital statistics | |
Size (obj)Structure footprint in tile units.<br><br><i>Rounded-up from source.<br>Source: 0.89 x 0.162</i> | 0.9 x 0.2 |
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. | Farming |
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> | (None or Unknown) |
Object(s) Required | Block of Wood x3, String |
Required By | (5) Cucumber Crop, Grapes Crop, Hops Crop, Pea Crop, Peppercorn Crop |
Repaired With | Block of Wood |
Can be Lifted | No |
Hit Points | 25 |
Soak Value | (None) |
Go to Objects |
Build > Farming & Animals > Trellis
The trellis is a supporting structure required to grow certain kinds of crops. It does not have a quality, and does not affect the quality of crops grown on it. It can be built on unpaved ground with the exception of sand and ice.
As of World 14, static crops grown on a trellis will slowly increase from the quality of the original plant with successive harvests.
- W16 multi-row placement: As of world 16 trellises can't directly be placed tow2tow anymore, and require using high/special ':placegrid' values to be placed as close as possible.
The trellis has two interaction points, located on the two tiles on either side of it (perpendicular to its long axis). Although a hearthling can walk between two trellises on adjacent tiles, they will not be able to sow or harvest when standing between them. Make sure to leave a free tile on at least one side, as a trellis blocked on both sides by other objects cannot be used. There is one exception: another trellis.
It is possible to have 4 functioning trellises per column/tile (which is best done with a custom client that supports object hitbox display). But they have a downside compared to 3 per tile. When harvesting with a Scythe, is will only do 3 row per turn (so a second run is needed to do the 4de row (it will do row 4,5,6 in a tight 8 row setup though)).
Each number refers
- A free tile on one side
- Blocked both sides
- Free on both sides
- One of interaction points of ③
In-game Text
Certain plants -- notably Grapes -- cannot be grown except on a Trellis.
List of Crops Requiring a Trellis
Mass harvest
Although dev's claim "It is now possible to mass harvest and plant from and to trellises". Its somewhat quirky and it can do kinda unexpected things if not used properly.
- The hearthling position relative to selection and/or initial clicked trellis-crop is kinda ignored. Or, the hearthling just goes for the nearest viable target/trellis. (which is probably not what you want)
- Best initial hearthling position seem to be on either side of the target selection. And not somewhere in the middle of it.
- Build orientation of trellis's. (undetermined, although it should not matter)
- With a multi-row trellis setup it will only target one row at a time. (?:initial clicked row or first found crop. Think it was the latter)
- (Gabs in a row: planting or harvesting probably stop there.)
- Diagonal trellis setup: Only usable with botting clients. Or with clients with fix-location crop-icons (no trial&error clicking). (ie: Game itself totally can't handle these.)
- Sowing:
When using a trellis-crop or seed from the cursor, one needs to click the trellis to plant it (ie: single trellis targeting).
When using sowing selection-mode it selects the ground tile(s), and than looks for potential trellis targets on them.
- Sowing selection-mode behaviors:
- 1) The nearest free trellis to the player becomes the initial target.
- 2) Which next, left or right side, trellis is targeted depends on which side of the initial target the player was standing. Harvesting will go in the opposite direction. Each time the next target will be the nearest(same row*) to the last processed trellis. ( *) ie: game looks left and right, while ignoring closer up/down trellises. ...)
- 3a) Will stop sowing if the target is a non free trellis.
- 3b) (Or) At the end of a trellis-block. The game tries to do one more trellis in the last block (this can be blocked if needed). After which sowing generally stops.
- Low quality checking & culling for permanent crops (like grapes) in multi-row setup (Ender client+Simple crops):
One potentially way to manually check, and potentially remove, low quality crops:
1) (optional) Use the inspect tool to show the crop's initial quality on screen. This also shows which trellis its on (If its quality is already displayed, it will potentially blink one time.)
2) Alt+Left-MouseClick on the target crop to make it highlight itself for some seconds. (Best used with "Area chat" selected. This will not work with "System" chat.)
3) Harvest the targeted crop.
4) If the harvested quality is deemed to low. Use the destroy action on the crop while its still being highlighted (Don't click the trellis if you like to keep that.)
Diagonal Trellis setup.
HnH Post: Full imageTrellis multi-row diagram.
(placegrid:11(Left), 22(Right))Trellis diagonal diagram.
Game Development
- Blazing Trellis (2018-11-15)◎ >"It is now possible to mass harvest and plant from and to trellises, using the same interface you would with any other crop. No need to buy everything in the store in abject gratitude, or anything."