Boiled Pepper Drupe

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Boiled Pepper Drupe
Boiled Pepper Drupe.png
Vital statistics
Size (item)Item (inventory)size.<br><br>xitem & yitem 1 x 1
Stack Stacking data for (all) items is set at the Stack page in the Stacking property data section.<br><i>Please use "Source Edit" mode when editing this.</i> Max:3 (Pepper Drupes)
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. Farming
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Peppercorn
Produced By Cauldron(with 0.5 liters)
Required By (1) Dried Pepper Drupe
Go to Objects

Icon keyboard.pngCraft > Processing & Materials > Cooking & Ingredients > Boil Pepper Drupes

Boiled Pepper Drupe is a food ingredient created by boiling Peppercorn. The boiled drupes must be then dried into Dried Pepper Drupes on an Herbalist Table and either ground into Black Pepper or put in a Peppermill before they can used. The quality of the boiled pepper drupes is softcapped by the Perception and Cooking skills. The quality of the cauldron and water used also determines the final outcome.

How to Acquire

You need a cauldron with at least 0.5 liters of hot water to make a boiled pepper drupe.


Boiled Pepper Drupes disappear when dropped.


  • Base quality:
  • softcapped by:

Game Development

  • Loose Velvet (2023-06-22) >"Several things now stack: Soil, Clay, Bricks, Plant Fibre, Wool, Carrots, Beets, Turnips, all Onion types, Champignons, Peapods, Pepper (Boiled or not), Hops, Grapes, Raisins, Prunes and Chum Bait."