Gold Egg

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Gold Egg
Gold Egg.png
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Stack Unknown (Nugget of Any Metal)
Stockpile Nugget of Any Metal (25)
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. Animal Husbandry
Produced By Chicken, Chicken Coop
Specific Type of Nugget of Any Metal, Nugget of Precious Metal
Required By (Nugget of Any Metal (15): Bar of Any Metal, Cave Battery, Display Case, Drinking Horn, Fossil Lapel Pin, Heart Cookie Cutter, Man Cookie Cutter, Metal Mug, Metal Plate, Pepper Shaker, Signboard, Snow Globe, Soft Metal Cutlery, Stitch Patch, Woman Cookie Cutter), (Nugget of Precious Metal (4): Bar of Precious Metal, Burette, Fine Scales, Precious Details)
Study details
Base LP 400000
Study Time <b>StudyTime Input:</b><br><br >The studytime infobox parameter accepts two formats. An Hour-float (studyTime = H.hhhh) or a Time-code (studyTime = H:M).<br >(Note: Study-Time should be in real-time, and not in game-time.)<br ><br >Proper input rules:<br >H.hhhh: (Dot delimited) At least one leading digit, and at least 4 decimal digits.(good: "0.1230", bad: ".123")<br >H:M: (Colon delimited) At least one hour digit, and 1 or 2 minute digits. (good: "0:1", bad: ":1" or "0:123")<br><br >(Although bare integer-input would work for both format cases, it is currently deemed improper formatted input.)<br > 7h 17m
Mental Weight 50
EXP Cost 200
LP / EXP 2000
LP / Hour (real) 54919.91
LP / Mental Weight 8000
LP / Hour / EXP 274.6
LP / Hour / Size 54919.91
LP / Hour / Weight 1098.4
LP / Hour / Size / EXP 274.6
LP / Hour / Weight / EXP 5.49
Go to Objects

The Gold Egg is a Curiosity which can be used in the Study Interface to earn Learning Points.

It is the absolute best curiosity in the game in all respects, bar none.

Golden eggs also act as a gold nugget, and can be stockpiled into a nugget stock pile.

How to Acquire

Chickens will on extremely rare occasion lay a Gold Egg when kept in a Chicken Coop. Golden Eggs require a chicken, having a Cock is not necessary.

