Tame Reindeer

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Tame Reindeer
Tame Reindeer.png
Bull » Calf » Cow
Hitpoints (unknown)
Creature-Products Raw Tame Reindeer x5, Animal Fat x1, Intestines x1, Entrails x1, Fresh Tame Reindeer Hide x2, Bone Material x6, Reindeer Antlers from bulls, Suckling's Maw from calfs.
Seasonality (None)
Terrain This data is specified at the individual Terrain pages. (None)
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Tame Reindeer are tamed Reindeers. See Taming for more information about taming.


  • Bull is a male reindeer that can impregnate(indicated through a mating animation) female reindeer. Also can pull Sleighs.
  • Cow is a female reindeer. After being impregnated, they give birth to a calf(can have twins and triples on usual occasions) in 4.5 days. Also can pull Sleighs.
  • Calf is an adolescent reindeer . They will grow either into a bock or doe(indicated in the top left side of their respective information windows) in 10 days. In addition to regular products, calves give you a Suckling's Maw when butchered.

Stats & Quality

  • The quality of an animal or any of stat is the one of parent quality\stat, +20 -> -5, and then softcapped by the breeding quality of the male involved and quality of eaten Swill.


  • Adult reindeer produce 5 Raw Tame Reindeer at Meat Quantity 10, modified by Meat Quantity stat.
  • Meat quality equal to reindeer's quality and modified by Meat Quality stat.


  • Reindeer produce 2 Tame Reindeer Hide and quality equal to reindeer's quality, modified by Hide Quality stat.

Tips & Tricks

  • It is a good idea to seperate your bulls from your cows , to ensure that you can select the highest quality buck to mate with your does when you want calves. You can additionally castrate your lower quality bulls to stop them from breeding and to acquire Bollock.


Tame Reindeer-dead.png Dead Deer. Can be skinned for Fresh Tame Reindeer Hide.
Tame Reindeer-skinned.png Skinned Deer. Can be butchered for Intestines, Entrails, Animal Fat and Raw Tame Reindeer.
Tame Reindeer-skeleton.png Deer Skeleton. Can be collected for Bone Material.

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