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Animals, like Boar, Mouflon, Aurochs, Wildhorse, Reindeer and Wildgoat can be tamed and domesticated. You need the Animal Husbandry skill in order to tame. The process is similar to steelmaking: It is simple but somewhat dangerous and requires vigilance and skill.

Taming Procedure

The process begins by feeding the animal a Clover, leashing them with a rope and then hitching the animal to a Hitching Post

To feed an animal a clover, in both temporary usage and leashing:

  1. pick up a clover from your inventory and right-click it onto the animal.
  2. Wait for the animal to come to you. This may include the animal jumping about and incrementally approaching you. Don't move or click anywhere, or the process will be cancelled.
  3. Once the animal gets all the way to you, they will either take the clover or not.
  4. Once they have eaten the clover, they will slowly walk away, that's the time to try and leash them or 'work' on them with shears, etc.
  5. Grab the rope from your inventory and right click the animal.
  6. The only visual indicator of the leash success is the slight change to the image of the rope itself. The rope can be placed back into your inventory (not a belt).
  7. The animal will follow you despite any visual indicator. You can use Travel to Hearth Fire with leashed animal - animal teleport with you to your heartfire.
  • Afterwards a yellow number will appear on the animal. This is the overall taming progress and it increases in increments. Starting at 15 and completed at 100. This is also shown when checking quality.

After a random period of time (between 12-46 hours, needs more testing) the animal will enter into a combat stance. This means it is ready to be progressed.

Note: having found and leashed an aurochs then a full day later finding and leashing a mouflon, they both went into combat stand at the same time the following day, which means the aurochs took a full day longer to trigger. So there might be animal-specific timings, but needs more confirmation.

  • If the animal remains in this state for over 5 hours it will decrease taming progress. If taming progress drops below zero animal despawn.

Now you need to attack the animal in a specific way. This can be done at any level, so long as you can easily defeat the animal with punches.

  • Set a combat deck where your only offensive move is punch. If you need more than punch to be effective, you aren't ready to tame.
  • Attack the animal and 'immediately' hit peace in the upper right corner.( reminder, that means the icon only shows 1 sword, not the crossed swords)
  • Beat the ever-living shit out of it. Show no mercy on that slob.
  • Assuming it was both ready to be tamed AND peaced at the start: The animal will not die at the end and gain progress. it will suddently leave combat and start walking away
  • Leash and reattach the animal to a free post. It does not need to be the same post as before.
  • It appears to gain 15 each successful tame, but this may vary. (I've seen Aurochs taming go from 15 to 45, given stats of UA63, ST87, AGI100)
    • Taming may be based on farming instead, sample size of 2 players with 7 animals. player 1 tamed 5 animals, all increased 30% progress, player 2 tamed 2 animals, both increased by 20% instead, only significant stat variance between players was Farming, as player 2 had much higher combat attributes with ~30 farming, but player 1 had lower combat attributes, but had ~180 farming]
  • Repeat until the progress reaches 100. A frame-eating purple cloud will show the transformation

This procedure is repeated until the animal is tamed. Each animal seems to tame at similar speeds. A fresh animal to tamed one takes roughly 3-4 days. Even at 200 strength the punches won't kill a mouflon. If you kill the animal it is because you did it incorrectly.

Many animals can be tamed at the same time without issue. Each animal needs one hitching post. Wild animals also don't need a food trough. Be careful on providing enough space for them or they may end up attacking obstacles in their way, even hitching posts.

One animal needs one rope to be lead. If you want to lead multiple animals back at once you will need multiple ropes. Riding a horse does not seem to cause issues at any point when you are taming, except when you're just beginning to tame and using clover to convince the animal - then the horse will block the animal, effectively preventing the animal from eating said clover.

Taming Tips

Taming is not difficult provided that you are prepared

  • Taming is done best at the mid-game where you have access to enough armor to ignore the blows of the animal. Using defences is fine, but it is slower.
    • If you are a relatively new character it is not recommended to tame without a large safety margin.
    • For more experienced individuals, or merely large groups, taming can be done very early on.
  • Having high Unarmed (or Melee Combat if you hate LP) and Agility will be extremely helpful and save you from being knocked out, killed, or forced to flee combat before either happens; provided you know what you're doing, keep your openings low, and generally understand the current Combat system.
  • Noting the above, one should consider the balance between Armor and Agility, i.e. the strongest metal armor will severely hamper your agility. Especially with recent combat changes that give unarmed (hint: all animal attacks are unarmed) low armor ignoring hits, wearing full steel armor with low agility and constitution may result in KOs or death from countless small wounds. Weaker armor with little or no effect on agility (Badger Hide Vest, Bat Wing, Boar Tusk Helmet, Winged Helmet, even leather armors) and of course those that provide a bonus or gilding slot for agility are usually enough to reduce low-opening hits to nearly nothing when worn together.
    • Swords can be used, especially at lower openings where their damage will be negligible, and with an extremely high hit one can complete a taming session almost instantly; however it may still be possible to kill the animal you are trying to tame (especially Mouflon)
  • Timings are spaced by random intervals and animals need to be checked. Ensure you can check on your animals every 12 hours.
  • For boars and goats remember they are quite likely to become aggressive before or even during the time you offer them the clover. Prepare to have many clover attempts thwarted forcing flight or fight if you don't stay with deep water or a cliff between you and the animal until the very last moment.
  • That being said, the ability to outrun boars becomes very useful once you begin beating it into submission. Hit, run, reduce openings, and repeat.
  • Taming can also be done with ranged attacks from a Sling or Bow. Good for characters who are not built for Unarmed/Melee combat.
    • You can do this by running to a boat on water after aggroing the animal and stay out of the attack range. Just keep shooting at it. Long cliffs can also be used. Just keep shooting at the animal as it tries to run around the cliff. When the animal is about to reach you, jump down or up depending where you are and keep shooting at it again. Rinse and Repeat.
    • Be careful when using a bow as you might accidentally kill the animal you are taming. It's better to use a sling for minimal damage. Only use a bow if you're certain that the HHP damage accumulated by the animal is still below the HHP threshold it's supposed to be tamed/die when you shoot it.
  • By using inspect on the animal you can see it's tamed percentage.

Domesticated Animals

Aurochs become Cows:

  • Cows are used for their sizeable supply of milk and ability to make Cow Cheese.
  • The meat functions as aurochs meat.
  • Raw beef is needed for the Tame Game Liverwurst recipe.
  • Can pull Wagons.

Mouflons become Sheeps:

  • Sheep are used for Wool and make a small amount of sheep's milk, needed for Sheep Cheese.
  • The meat functions as mouflon meat.
  • Sheep reproduce quite fast and are good for getting Suckling's Maws.

Boars become Pigs:

  • Pigs are used since they give a large amount of meat and animal fat.
  • The meat functions as boar meat.
  • Pigs can hunt for black or white truffles.

Reindeers become Tame Reindeers:

  • The meat functions as venison meat.
  • Can pull Sleighs.

Wildhorses become Horses:

  • Horses can be kept and re-used, unlike wild horses.
  • They last far longer and rapidly regenerate pony power via satiety. Satiety is regenerated by food troughs.
  • The meat functions as wildhorse meat.
  • Can pull Wagons.

Wildgoats become Goats:

  • Goats are used for Mohair(type of wool) and make a small amount of goat's milk, needed for Goat Cheese.
  • The meat functions as wildgoat meat.
  • Goat reproduce quite fast and are good for getting Suckling's Maws.


Game Development

  • Rednosed Yule (2023-12-21) >"Reindeer are now tamable! The male and female default names are, of course, "Rudolph" and "Cupid". Reindeer are draft animals capable of pulling Sleighs and Wagons. (Cheese and milk pending.)"