Template:Infobox tree/doc

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Infobox tree/doc
Infobox tree.png


Size (obj) Tree & tree-stump footprint in tile units.<br><br><i>Rounded-up from source.<br>Source: {{{xobst}}} x {{{xobst}}}</i><br><br><i>"yobst" is optional. Only needed for non-square trees.</i> (Unknown)
Grown From Red Apple Core
Found On Beech Grove, Blue Sod, Deep Tangle
Bark 12
Bark Type Tough Bark
Branches 12
Branch Type Olive Branch
Fruit Red Apple
Fruit Qty 12
Other Worm-Eaten Apple
Other Qty 12
Logs 12
Blocks (Stone) 12
Blocks (Metal) 12
Boards (Bone) 12
Boards (Metal) 12
Boards (Sawmill) 12
Go to Trees page.

This template is used to create a tree infobox on tree pages.

Basic syntax
Type {{infobox tree|...}} at the top of the page. Available parameters shown below.

{{infobox tree

    General infobox parameters. Should only be used when needed or appropriate.
| name        = Infobox Title (defaults to related page-name)
| image       = File:Example.ext (defaults to "...")
| imagewidth  = 123 (To resize image if needed. Capped to a maximum of 350)
| caption     = text (Concise infobox-image caption text if needed)

| ptext1      = In-game/paginae text (type1). -- If any.

    General requires back-linking
| objectsreq  = Red Apple Core (Item to grown tree from)(Single item only)

    Tree products(1)
| branch      = 12
| branchtype  = Olive Branch (Optional: Defaults to "Branch")
| bark        = 12
| barktype    = Tough Bark (Optional: Defaults to "TreeBark")
| tfruit      = Red Apple
| tfruitqt    = 12
| tother      = Worm-Eaten Apple
| totherqt    = 12

    Tree products(2)
| log         = 12

    Log products (''Currently overruled in infobox by Tree-Resource Value(trv) if available (Italic nrs). ie: Used as fallback'').
| block1      = 12
| block2      = 12
| board1      = 12
| board2      = 12
| board3      = 12

    Tree terrain
| terrain = [[Beech Grove]], [[Blue Sod]], [[Deep Tangle]], ...

