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Icon keyboard.pngAdventure > Destroy


"Destroy" is an action which causes your character to approach the selected object and attempt to break it at the expense of Stamina.

The amount of damage you do, if any, is determined by the object's Soak value compared to square root of your current Strength and the type of tool or siege engine you are using.

Destroying objects on a claim, that you don't have "Vandalism" permissions to, requires the Vandalism skill and leaves Vile Vapor of Vandalism.

Still, it often needs to be performed as civil action as well. Aside from demolishing old property that is wasting space, Trees leave behind a stump that needs to be destroyed in order to clear the land.

Wild animals can also destroy objects that prevent them from reaching their target of fleeing. Damage they're able to deal roughly correlates with their size; boars, bears, moose, and mammoths are only stopped by fully dried Palisade or Brickwall.

Bashing Immunity

Certain objects, under specific circumstances, become immune to "hand-bashing." In this case, clicking them with a Destroy cursor will result in zero responses; character will not move and not even an error message is served.

  • Palisade: when fully dried (approximately 24 RL hours.) and covered by a claim. Even claims that have run out of Presence or Authority count. Presumably freshly built claims that have never been active, do not.
  • Snekkja: when docked. (Knarr is reportedly always immune to hand-bashing.)

Ship's dock status can also be verified by right-clicking it and checking if option "Unmoor" appears.


  • Any axe adds one point of destroy damage
  • Pickaxe will add two points of destroy damage
  • Sledgehammer will add four points of destroy damage
  • Tree stumps are destroyed faster with a Shovel.

Siege Engines

Outdated info, currently (w15) Wrecking balls can not damage anything as a vandalism action. Catapults can damage walls.

  • Wrecking Ball has base damage of 40 points. of the single operator will be added.
  • Battering Ram has base damage of 20 points. Up to four people can operate it at once, all adding to the damage value.

There is no increased damage from operators having any tools, from section above, equipped.


Somewhere in the used "strength to damage" math there is potential floor() adjustment. It could be used at the start on the players . but it could also be used at the end on the final applied damage to the structure. For a single operator this gives no difference either way. For multiple operators it might, if the latter is the case.

Game Development

  • Attribute Dream (2025-02-28) >"Added support for more arbitrary attribute definitions. Many of the smaller/more specific bonii which the game has historically had have been somewhat hidden and never clearly communicated. With the new attribute system, defining and tracking such mechanics/values can now be done in a more formalized system, which also allows for greater ease in e.g. providing multiple sources for increasing a particular value."