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"Birch, and Elm, and Yew, and Fir,
Nine and one,
He fell them all,
Ash, and Beech, and Larch, and Pine."

LP Cost 150
Carpentry, Charcoal Burning, Landscaping, Woodsmanship
Hearth Magic(s) Unlocked None
Required By (20) Beaver Salvage, Birchsap, Block of Mirkwood, Block of Trombone Chantrelle, Block of Wood, Cruel Splinter, Log, Maplesap, Oak Spire, Old Stump, Old Trunk, Root Woven Brooch, Sap Tap, Strange Root, Stump, Terebinth Sap, Wooden Cup, Woodland Cuirass, Woodland Greaves, Woodsman's Token
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"You have learned how to use an axe to fell and prepare trees. Remember that stumps can be dug out with shovels."

Lumberjacking allows you to cut down trees with a Stone Axe or a Metal Axe and to remove Stumps, which can be done most quickly with a wooden or Metal Shovel . Lumberjacking is also required to chop blocks of wood from logs.

This skill also allows you to plant tree seeds directly into the ground with a shovel.

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