Squirrel Tail

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Squirrel Tail
Squirrel Tail.png
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Stack Stacking data for (all) items is set at the Stack page in the Stacking property data section.<br><i>Please use "Source Edit" mode when editing this.</i> Max:4 (Prepared Hides)
Stockpile Stockpile data for (all) items is set at the Stockpile page in the Stockpile property data section.<br><br><i>Please use "Source Edit" mode when editing there.</i> Hide (30)
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. Hunting
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Fresh Squirrel Tail
Produced By Drying Frame
Specific Type of Prepared Animal Hide
Required By (2) Forager's Brooch, Nine-Tails, (Prepared Animal Hide (23): Bagpipe, Creel, Custom Image Sketch, Drum & Sticks, Feather Band, Fur Boots, Fur Cloak, Gelatin, Hide Layer, Hide Strap, Leather, Parchment, Poor Man's Gloves, Potent Rod, Rough Guard Patch, Rough Polish, Sling, Still Life, Stinging Poultice, Wanderer's Bindle, Waterskin, Wilderness Skis, Woodsman's Ushanka)
Study details
Base LP 2000
Study Time <b>StudyTime Input:</b><br><br >The studytime infobox parameter accepts two formats. An Hour-float (studyTime = H.hhhh) or a Time-code (studyTime = H:M).<br >(Note: Study-Time should be in real-time, and not in game-time.)<br ><br >Proper input rules:<br >H.hhhh: (Dot delimited) At least one leading digit, and at least 4 decimal digits.(good: "0.1230", bad: ".123")<br >H:M: (Colon delimited) At least one hour digit, and 1 or 2 minute digits. (good: "0:1", bad: ":1" or "0:123")<br><br >(Although bare integer-input would work for both format cases, it is currently deemed improper formatted input.)<br > 43h 46m
Mental Weight 6
EXP Cost 20
LP / EXP 100
LP / Hour (real) 45.7
LP / Mental Weight 333.33
LP / Hour / EXP 2.28
LP / Hour / Size 45.7
LP / Hour / Weight 7.62
LP / Hour / Size / EXP 2.28
LP / Hour / Weight / EXP 0.38
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A Squirrel Tail is a Curiosity which can be used in the Study Report to earn Learning Points.

It also functions as a dried hide, except it can't be tanned into leather. This makes it excellent material for things like Creel, Sling, and Wanderer's Bindle.

How to Acquire

Fresh Squirrel Tails are obtained by butchering Dead Squirrels. It can be studied after drying it on a Drying Frame for 8 hours.


Squirrel Tails come in high qualities if your Survival is high. A q40 tail gives 4,000 LP, meaning if your Survival is high, they can become a more acceptable curio.

Game Development