Bar of Hard Metal

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Bar of Hard Metal
Bar of Hard Metal.png
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Bar of Bronze, Bar of Cast Iron, Bar of Meteoric Iron, Bar of Steel, Bar of Wrought Iron, or Nugget of Hard Metal x10
Required By (32) Anvil, Armored Striders, Boar Spear, Cellar, Cutthroat Knuckles, Dressing Table, Finery Forge, Great Hall, Gridiron, Hussar's Wings, Large Chest, Meatgrinder, Metal Axe, Metal Plow, Metal Saw, Metal Shovel, Mine Hole, Miner's Helm, Nidbane Fetter, Nugget of Hard Metal, Ore Smelter, Pickaxe, Raider's Cap, Sawmill, Scythe, Shears, Sledgehammer, Smithy's Hammer, Snekkja, Stone Column, Stone Mansion, Woodsman's Axe
Go to Objects

Bar of Hard Metal is a game class-type referring to one of the following 5 game-objects:

 Bar of Bronze (9) Bar of Bronze.png Bar of Cast Iron (8) Bar of Cast Iron.png Bar of Meteoric Iron (2) Bar of Meteoric Iron.png Bar of Steel (22) Bar of Steel.png Bar of Wrought Iron (12) Bar of Wrought Iron.png

(n): (Superscript) Number of items in that type-group.
(n): (Subscript) Number of crafts that specifically require this item.

Main "Generics" page

Any of these can be used in the recipes that require a Bar of Hard Metal.

Icon keyboard.pngCraft > Processing & Materials > Smithing & Metals > Smelt Metal Bar