Smithy's Hammer

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Smithy's Hammer
Smithy's Hammer.png
Vital statistics
Size (item)Item (inventory)size.<br><br>xitem & yitem 1 x 1
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. Metal Working
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Casting Material x5, Bar of Hard Metal x2
Required By (89) Adder Crown, Armored Striders, Bar of Wrought Iron, Battleaxe of the Twelfth Bay, Blacksmith's Bauble, Boar Spear, Branding Iron, Bronze Helm, Bronze Plate, Bronze Sword, Butcher's Cleaver, Cake Knife, Candle Crown, Cast Iron Trivet, Chainmail Shirt, Clothier's Thimble, Copper Comet, Copper Kettle, Copper Scales, Copperbrush Snapper, Cutblade, Cutthroat Knuckles, Dragon Helm, Drinking Horn, Druid's Helm, Family Heirloom, Fancy Buckle, Forge Ring, Fyrdsman's Sword, Glass Blowing Rod, Gold Cutlery, Gold Plate, Gold Spoon-Lure, Golden Cat, Golden Table Bell, Golden Tooth, Grand Belt, Grand Troll Helm, Gridiron, Hard Metal Cutlery, Hard Metal Rivets, Heart Cookie Cutter, Hirdsman's Sword, Irrlantern, Lantern, Man Cookie Cutter, Merchant's Ring, Metal Arrow, Metal Axe, Metal Buttons... further results
Slot(s) Occupied 5L or 5R
Go to Objects

Icon keyboard.pngCraft > Clothes & Equipment > Tools > Smithy's Hammer


The Smithy's Hammer's quality is the average three times the average of the bars and the average of the casting materials used to make it.

Smithy's Hammer Quality =

How to Acquire

To craft, you must click on it in the Craft Menu, and you'll be allowed to place a mold for it. Craft the mold from 5 clay or sand and melt 2 Bars of Hard Metal inside. It must be roughly close to a lit smelter or stack furnace to melt the metal bars. If you built in a wrong spot, you can lift it while it's empty, but once you've melted bars into it, it becomes immobile. When you've added 2 bars, it will sit and cool for 8 real life hours. After this, you can right click and select Crack! The mold will be destroyed and the Smithy's Hammer will be left sitting on the ground for you.