Combat moves

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For combat moves to be effective, a player must raise either Unarmed Combat or Melee Combat, preferably both.

Heavy changes to the combat system were made in the update Bumfights (2016-09-21).

In order to learn a combat move, an animal must be defeated in melee combat. The move learned is based on the animal defeated, but otherwise appears to be random. (Minor note: During the first iteration of combat discoveries, prerequisites to use the move had to be met. As of world 10, this is not the case and you can pick up moves at random. Some players have had issues with getting a move like chop without getting a way to gain initiative points.)

There has been a widespread assumption that you need to have a weapon equipped for a chance to learn melee attacks. Currently (w13) this does not seem to be the case.

A note on "μ":

Quote from jorb:

"Spending more points on a combat effect increases the efficiency of said combat effect in that school. The meaning of increasing the weight of some particular combat effect is indicated in the descriptive text for that combat effect by a μ-symbol (Mu). The actual value of μ ranges from 1 to 1.5, depending on your weighting. Usually, a higher weight for some particular combat effect will serve to reduce its cooldown, increase its damage, or the like."

Moves in italics are available for free to hearthling when acquiring 'The Will to Power' skill.

Damage formula may be (confirm?)

General formula for determining amount of opening seems to be: Where is attack weight, is defense weight, is base opening % from the move, and is the current opening of that type in the target. Example: A player who has 50 uac, 25% green opening and is in lvl 4 Chin Up defense mode is attacked by a player with 100 uac by level 5 punch. Defense weight will be and attack weight will be . The opening that will be added to the defending player will thus be and the total opening will be 38%

Some moves can be "used at a distance", meaning you can use them at any time, even when far from your foe, IE fleeing. Moves which cannot be "used at a distance" require you to advance up to your opponent as if you were attacking and touch them before they can be used.


All moves will occur a cooldown before a next move can be used. A given value for cooldowns can be multiplied by 0.06 seconds to find the actual cooldown duration.

Changing combat deck while already in combat will put you on a 15 seconds cooldown.

Changing the equipment held in either of the hand slot - no matter if this is even a weapon or not- will occur a 6 seconds cooldown.

Restorations and Maneuvers (aka changing stances) will all have a cooldown unaffected by stats.

The cooldown of attacks depends on the agility of the user and the target, the difference can at most make the user his cooldown 10% shorter while making their attacker his cooldown 10% longer when the difference in agility between user and target exceeds a factor 2.


Moves are unique abilites used to give you a special advantage.

Move Initiative cost Cooldown Notes Useable at distance Learned from
Icon dash.pngDash Opponents' initiative points: +2 80/μ Completely removes your slightest opening Yes
Icon oppknock.pngOpportunity Knocks 4 45 Opportunity Knocks increases your opponent's greatest opening by 40%·μ.

Unarmed stat have no effect on this move, only U points matter.

Icon takeaim.pngTake Aim 0 (30 + IP·2)/μ Gives +1 initiative and can be carried out at a distance. The cooldown of Take Aim increases by 20% for each initiative point you have. Yes
Icon think.pngThink 0+4 40/μ Gives +2 initiative and can be carried out at a distance. The cooldown of Think increases by 20% for each initiative point you have. Yes


Restorations will lower your openings, reducing your vulnerabilities and the damage you take. Some will perform other actions as well.

Move Learned from Initiative cost Attack Weight Openings Reduces Cooldown Useable at distance Special
Icon artevade.pngArtful Evasion Opponents' initiative points: +1
  • 20%·μ Striking
  • 20%·μ Backhanded
  • 20%·μ Sweeping
  • 20%·μ Oppressive
40 Yes
Icon feigneddodge.pngFeigned Dodge 0
  • 15%·μ Striking
35 Yes For every unit of opening reduced by Feigned Dodge, twice that amount is given to the opponent.
Icon flex.pngFlex 0 Unarmed On opponent:
  • +15% Dizzy
  • 10%·μ Backhanded
  • 10%·μ Oppressive
30 No Melee range.
Icon jump.pngJump 0
  • 20%·μ Sweeping
25 Yes
Icon quickdodge.pngQuick Dodge 0
  • 20%·μ Striking
25 Yes
Icon regaincomosure.pngRegain Composure 0
  • 20%·μ Striking
  • 20%·μ Sweeping
35 Yes
Icon sidestep.pngSidestep 0
  • 20%·μ Backhanded
25 Yes
Icon watchitsmoves.pngWatch Its Moves Opponents' initiative points: +1
  • 30%·μ Backhanded
45 No Melee Range. Gains you 1 point of initiative against your opponent.
Icon yieldground.pngYield Ground 0 On you:
  • +10% Dizzy
  • +10% Reeling
  • 30%·μ Striking
  • 30%·μ Oppressive
30 Yes
Icon zigzag.pngZig-Zag Ruse Opponents' initiative points: +2
  • 50%·μ Sweeping
  • 50%·μ Oppressive
50 Yes


Maneuvers affect your attack weight and which skills are used to calculate it, as well as often giving special buffs for hitting and being hit.

Move Block weight Cooldown Notes Learned from
Icon bloodlust.pngBloodlust Unarmed·75%·μ 10 When attacked:
  • Bloodlust is charged by 25%·Δ. When you attack an opponent, your attack weight will be increased by four times the amount that Bloodlust is charged.
Icon chinup.pngChin Up Unarmed·μ 10
Icon combatmeditation.pngCombat Meditation Unarmed·μ 10 When attacked:
  • Combat Meditation is charged by 25%·Δ. When you attack an opponent, your cooldown will be decreased by the amount that Combat Meditation is charged.
  • While Combat Meditation is active, all your attacks will have 25% of their normal attack weight.
Icon deathorglory.pngDeath or Glory Unarmed·75%·μ 10 When attacked:
  • You gain 0.75·Δ points of Initiative against the opponent.
Icon oakstance.pngOak Stance Unarmed·150%·μ 10 When attacked:
  • Your greatest opening is reduced by 5%·Δ.
  • While Oak Stance is active, all your attacks will have 50% of their normal attack weight.
Icon parry.pngParry Melee·80%·μ 10 When Attacked:
  • Openings: +10% Dizzy

You need a sword equipped for Parry to inflict its effect upon your opponents.

Icon shieldup.pngShield Up Melee·250%·μ 10 If Shield Up is used without a shield equipped, its block weight will be 50% instead of 250%.
Icon toarms.pngTo Arms Melee·μ 10


Attacks increase your opponent's openings and deal damage.

Move Learned from Initiative cost Attack weight Attack type Openings Damage Grievous damage Cooldown Special Notes
Icon chop.pngChop 1 Melee·μ
  • Striking
  • +15% Off Balance
According to weapon 40 Weapon:
  • Any edged weapon
Icon cleave.pngCleave 4+2 Melee·μ
  • Backhanded
  • Oppressive
  • +25% Cornered
According to Weapon·150% 80 Deadliest attack in game. Bay 12 Axe users can murder character through death protection is some circumstances.
Icon fullcircle.pngFull Circle 0 Melee·90%·μ
  • Sweeping
  • Oppressive
  • +15% Off Balance
  • +5% Cornered
According to weapon 40 Weapon:
  • Any melee weapon

Full Circle attacks your main target and all other opponents in range.

One of most versatile weapon attack.
Icon goforthejugular.pngGo for the JugularO 2+2 Unarmed·μ
  • Striking
  • Oppressive
  • +10% Reeling
  • +15% Cornered
40 30% 45
Icon haymeker.pngHaymaker 0 Unarmed·μ
  • Sweeping
  • +15% Reeling
20 15% 50
Icon kick.pngKick 1 Unarmed·μ
  • Sweeping
  • +20% Reeling
25 15% 45
Icon knockitsteethout.pngKnock Its Teeth Out 1 Unarmed·μ
  • Oppressive
  • +20% Cornered
30 25% 35
Icon lefthook.pngLeft Hook 0 Unarmed·μ
  • Backhanded
  • +15% Dizzy
15 10% 40
Icon lowblow.pngLow Blow 0 Unarmed·μ
  • Backhanded
  • +10% Off Balance
20 30% 50 Gains you 1 Point of Initiative against your opponent.
Icon punch.pngPunch 0 Unarmed·80%·μ
  • Striking
  • +15% Off Balance
10 5% 30
Icon punchemboth.pngPunch 'em Both 0 Unarmed·μ
  • Striking
  • Sweeping
  • +15% Reeling
10 7.5% 40 Attacks both your primary target and also one other opponent in range.
Icon quickbarrage.pngQuick Barrage 0 Melee·μ
  • Oppressive
  • +10% Cornered
According to Weapon·25% 20 Weapon:
  • Any melee weapon

If your opponent has more than 25% of Oppressive openings, Quick Barrage also gains you 1 Point of Initiative against that opponent.

Icon ravensbite.pngRaven's Bite 4 Melee·μ
  • Striking
  • Sweeping
  • +15% Off Balance
  • +15% Reeling
According to weapon·110% 40 Weapon:
  • Any axe
Icon ripapart.pngRip Apart 6 Unarmed·μ
  • Striking
  • Backhanded
  • Sweeping
  • Oppressive
  • +7.5% Off Balance
  • +7.5% Dizzy
  • +7.5% Reeling
  • +7.5% Cornered
50 30% 60
Icon sideswipe.pngSideswipe 0 Melee·μ
  • Sweeping
  • +7.5% Reeling
According to weapon·75% 25 Weapon:
  • Any edged weapon
Very effective when paired with Uppercut that creates opening for this move to deal damage effectively.
Icon stealthunder.pngSteal Thunder 0 Unarmed·μ
  • Backhanded
  • Sweeping
  • +10% Dizzy
None 40 To the extent that it is unblocked, Steal Thunder will take 3 points of initiative from its target and you will gain 2 of them. Usable at a small distance, opponent must have 3 or more IP for you to be able to use this move.
Icon sting.pngSting 2 Melee·μ
  • Striking
  • Backhanded
  • +20% Dizzy
  • +10% Reeling
According to weapon·125% 50 Weapon:
  • Any pointed weapon
Icon stormofswords.pngStorm of Swords 4 Melee·μ
  • Backhanded
  • Sweeping
  • +30% Reeling
According to weapon 50 Weapon:
  • Any sword

Storm of Swords will attack up to five opponents in range, starting with your main target. The targets will receive 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, and 200%, respectively, of the weapon's damage.

Icon takedown.pngTakedown 3 Unarmed·μ
  • Sweeping
  • Oppressive
  • +30% Reeling
40 30% 50
Icon uppercut.pngUppercut 0 Unarmed·0.8·μ
  • Striking
  • Backhanded
  • +15% Reeling
30 5% 30 Useless as the only offensive move due to mismatching colors, but effective at creating Yellow opening for moves like Sideswipe.

Game Development