Tinker's Throwing Axe

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Tinker's Throwing Axe
Tinker's Throwing Axe.png
Vital statistics
Size (item)Item (inventory)size.<br><br>xitem & yitem: (<i>non-optional, replacing xsize & ysize.<i>) 1 x 1
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. Template:Unkown
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Casting Material x5, Bar of Common Metal x2
Produced By Metal Casting
Specific Type of Sharp Tool
Required By (1) Strange Root, (Sharp Tool (87): Ant Meat, Bat Wings, Beast Unborn, Bee Meat, Boreworm Meat, Cave Louse Meat, Chasm Conch Meat, Chicken Meat, Eagle Owl Meat, Entrails, Fresh Adder Hide, Fresh Aurochs Hide, Fresh Badger Hide, Fresh Bat Hide, Fresh Bear Hide, Fresh Beaver Hide, Fresh Boarhide, Fresh Boreworm Hide, Fresh Cattle Hide, Fresh Cave Angler Scales, Fresh Caverat Hide, Fresh Goat Hide, Fresh Grey Seal Hide, Fresh Hedgehog Skin, Fresh Horse Hide, Fresh Lynx Hide, Fresh Mammoth Hide, Fresh Moose Hide, Fresh Mouflon Hide, Fresh Otter Hide, Fresh Pigskin, Fresh Red Deer Hide, Fresh Reindeer Hide, Fresh Roe Deer Hide, Fresh Sheepskin, Fresh Sly Ear of the Fox, Fresh Squirrel Hide, Fresh Tame Reindeer Hide, Fresh Troll Hide, Fresh Walrus Hide, Fresh Wildgoat Hide, Fresh Wildhorse Hide, Fresh Wolf Hide, Fresh Wolverine Hide, Golden Eagle Meat, Intestines, Mallard Meat, Mohair, Mole Carcass, Opened Oyster... further results)
Slot(s) Occupied 5L or 5R
QL10 Equipment Statistics
Damage 40
Armor Penetration 10%
Range 1
Combat Skill Melee Combat
Go to Objects

Icon keyboard.pngCraft > Clothes & Equipment > Tools > Axes > Tinker's Throwing Axe

Tinker's Throwing Axe is an early world upgrade from the Stone Axe, with notable benefits being an increased mining strength, good melee damage, and the ability to be thrown.

Can be thrown by issuing the Shoot action while equipped. The damage seems to be calculated similarly to a sling. It has a fair chance of surviving but will occasionally break and disappear once thrown (regardless of if it hit a target).

To craft, you must click on it in the Craft Menu, and you'll be allowed to place a mold for it. Craft the mold from 5 clay or sand (The mold quality lightly affects the axe) and melt 2 Bars of Common Metal inside. It must be roughly close to a lit smelter or stack furnace to melt the metal bars. If you built in a wrong spot, you can lift it while it's empty, but once you've melted bars into it, it becomes immobile. When you've added 2 bars, it will sit and cool for 8 real life hours. after this, you can right click and select Crack! The mold will be destroyed and the axe will be left sitting on the ground for you.

Mining Power =

Game Development

  • Leaning Tooltip (2024-11-16) >"Casting molds now present their cooling time in their recipe tooltip, and you can also inspect molds to find out how much time there is left until they cool."