Flax Fibre
Vital statistics
1 x 1
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Max:4 (Finer Plant Fibre)
Stockpile Stockpile data for (all) items is set at the Stockpile page in the Stockpile property data section.<br><br><i>Please use "Source Edit" mode when editing there.</i>
Flax Fibre (45)
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored.
Produced By
Flax Crop
Specific Type of
String, Finer Plant Fibre
Required By
(2) Linen Cloth, Wax-Impregnated Lining, (String (148): Archery Target, Badger Hide Vest, Badger's Pouch, Bark Reinforcement, Barkboat, Bat Wing, Battle Standard, Batwing Necklace, Bear Cape, Bear Coat, Bear Tooth Talisman, Beast Ring, Beaver Cap, Beaver Wrist Guards, Birchbark Backpack, Boar Tusk Helmet, Bone Arrow, Boreworm Mask, Bouquet of Flowers, Bunny Slippers, Bushcraft Fishingpole, Bushcraft Fishline, Cachalot Charm, Cave Angler Cape, Chef's Hat, Chitin Helmet, Chitin Sequins, Cigar, Cloth Pocket, Cold Compress, Copper Comet, Crabshell Sunfeather, Creel, Cutthroat Cuirass, Cylinder Hat, Demijohn, Dream Catcher, Drying Frame, Ermine Trimming, Feather Band, Feather Duster, Feather Stuffing, Feather Sunfeather, Feather Trinket, Felt Hat, Fiddle & Bow, Flint Knife, Folded Roasting Spit, Fox Hat, Fur Boots... further results), (Finer Plant Fibre (12): Cornbraid, Extra Stitches, Farmer's Fishline, Feather Garland, Greased Joints, Herbalist Table, Kozhukh, Leather Fabric, Patterned Embroidery, Porcelain Doll, Reinforced Hem, Spun Gluethread)
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Flax Fibre is dropped on the ground when harvesting a fully grown Flax Crop. It has a wide variety of crafting applications such as being a type of string that can be obtained in bulk and at reliably high quality.
Flax is most often used to weave highly useful Linen Cloth, or as a type of “Finer Plant Fibre” required to create Herbalist Tables. Flax grows more quickly than the similar fibrous crop hemp, so flax fibres are among the most accessible and widely used string types for large-scale farmers.
- Loose Velvet (2023-06-22)◎ >"Several things now stack: Soil, Clay, Bricks, Plant Fibre, Wool, Carrots, Beets, Turnips, all Onion types, Champignons, Peapods, Pepper (Boiled or not), Hops, Grapes, Raisins, Prunes and Chum Bait."