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Curiosity is a mechanic, introduced in World 5, that allows a hearthling to develop Learning Points. It is implemented by studying peculiar objects either found or created in the game. The Study Interface, found by pressing the second button on the character window, is where curiosities can be placed for study. You can't study more than one curiosity of each type at the same time, but you can restudy the same curiosity as many times as you want. The sum Mental Weight of your curiosities can't exceed your Attention Limit, which is equal to your modified Intelligence. The quality of the curiosity is known to have an effect on the total LP gained. The exact formula is unknown for the moment. (Suggesting LPgain = BaseLPgain * sqrt(quality/10) )

Do note that not all curiosities are created equal. Cat Gold for instance has a very long study time, but contrary to what was first thought it also has a low LP gain. The concept is that as the int of a character rises, you will have attention to spare so that you can also study the lesser curiosities on top of the better ones. Unless of course you're rich enough to have access to the best ones constantly that is. And since quality effects the potency of a curiosity, as the world becomes established and item qualities begin to rise some items may gain popularity due to this mechanism.

An example of the quality issue is the cone cow versus dandelion. The dandelion takes x2 as long for the same base LP gain. But, to counter for this you can find higher than quality 10 dandelions quite easily, where it takes a fair amount of effort to get higher than quality 10 cone cows (planting and growing high Q trees).

Base LP should be given for the Curiosity at 10ql and for a learning ability of 100%.

Crafted Curiosities

Name Materials Base LP Time Required (Real Hours) LP per Hour Mental Weight LP/Hr per attention point Skills/Objects Required
Bark Boat 1x Branch, 1x Tree Bark, 1x String, 1x Birchbark 500 3 166.66 5 33.33 Boat Building
Bronze Steed 1x Bar of Bronze 5000 72 (confirm) 138.88 14 9.92 Anvil, Smithy's Hammer
Cone Cow 4x Branch, 1x Fir Cone 50 0.33 150 1 150
Enthroned Toad 1x Toad, 1x Royal Toadstool, 1x Frog's Crown 4000 15 266.67 10 26.67 Tales by the Hearth
Prince Charming 1x Shocked Frog, 1x Royal Toadstool, 1x Frog's Crown 10000 12 833.33 15 55.55 Tales by the Hearth
Feather Duster 5x Chicken Feather, 1x String, 1x Block of Wood 800 10 80 4 20
Leather Ball 4x Leather, 4x String 600 48 12.5 6 2 Leather Working
Primitive Doll 1x Block of Wood, 1x Stone Axe, 1x Saw 500 8 62.5 4 15.623
Prism 3x Raw Glass 800 12 66.6 6 11.111 Glassmaking,Metal Working
Rattle-Tattle-Talisman 1x String, 1x Branch, 1x Bone Material, 2x Feldspar, 1x Leather 8 Hearth Magic
Sand Castle 4x Sand, 1x Bone Glue 2000 18 111.11 12 9.25 Masonry
Seer's Bones 5x Bone Material, 2x A Beautiful Dream! 600 8 75 6 12.5 Hearth Magic
Seer's Bowl 4x Copper Nugget, 2x A Beautiful Dream! 800 (Please Confirm) 8 100 7 14.29 Hearth Magic
Seer's Tealeaves 2x Green Tea Leaves, 2x Black Tea Leaves, 2x A Beautiful Dream! 2000 (confirm?) 18 (confirm?) 111.11 (?) 10 11.11 (?) Baking
Shewbread 4x Wheat Flour 4x Wax 5x Water 16
Simple Idol 1x Feldspar, 1x Stone, 1x Any Clay 8
Straw Doll 4x Straw, 2x Plant Fibres 850 ~5 ~113.33 6 ~18.88 Farming, Cloth Making
Stuffed Bear 1x Dried Bear Hide, 4x Wool (Makes 4) 3000 24 125 5 25
Tin Soldier 8x Tin Nugget 1500 >24
Tiny Abacus 3x Tin Nugget, 2x Any Hard Metal, 4x Branch, 1x Board
Toy Chariot 5x Acre Clay 1000 24 41.66 3 13.88 Pottery
Völva's Wand 3x Bar of Bronze, 2x Bar of Cast Iron, 2x A Beautiful Dream! 3000 12 250 8 31.25 Anvil, Smithy's Hammer

Foraged curiosities

Name Obtained by Base LP Time Required (Real Hours) LP per Hour Mental Weight LP/Hr per attention point
Bloated Bolete 110 per*exp, Forest, Grassland 1600 8 200 5 40
Chiming Bluebell Foraged in swamp 8000 24 (Please Confirm) 7
Dandelion 5 per*exp Grassland, Heath, Moor 50 0.67 75 1 75
Frog's Crown Foraged from mountains 1200 (Please Confirm) 8 4
Glimmermoss Foraged from mountains, caves 3500 16 218.75 5 43.75
Lady's Mantle 80 per*exp, Swamp 600 8 75 6 12.5
Dewy Lady's Mantle Foraging a Lady's Mantle at dawn 600 5 120 3 40
Peculiar Flotsam 110 per*exp, Deep water 3000 4 750 9 83.3
Royal Toadstool 280(?) per*exp, Swamp 600 3.33 180 3 60
Stalagoom 140 per*exp, Cave 300 2 150 3 50
Tangled Bramble 351 per*exp, Mudflat 1000 10 - Needs Confirmation 100 3 33.3
Thorny Thistle 121 per*exp, Mudflat 550 8 68.75 2 34.375
Uncommon Snapdragon 144 per*exp (possibly lower), Grassland, Moor, Heath 1000 12:00 (confirm) 4
Washed-up Bladderwrack 360 per*exp (also found at 275 25*11) 3
Edelweiß ? per*exp Mountains 7 - Needs Confirmation 8

Other curiosities

Name Obtained by Base LP Time Required (Real Hours) LP per Hour Mental Weight LP/Hr per attention point
Ant Soldiers Raiding Ant Hill 200 0.67 300 2 150
Ant Queen Raiding Ant Hill 500 1.33 375 3 125
Ant Empress Raiding Ant Hill 2000 3 666.7 6 111.1
Auroch Hair Pulling hair from an Auroch *Dangerous* 2000 48 52.1 1 52.1
Boar Tusk Collecting bones from a Boar skeleton 750 24 31.25 12 2.6
Bear Tooth Collecting bones from a Bear skeleton 750 24 (Please Confirm) 31.3 25 1.3
Cat Gold Randomly acquired while Chipping Stone / Mining 350 36 9.7 2 4.8
Dark Heart Randomly acquired while butchering Boar or Bear 96 10
Deer Antlers Collecting bones from a Deer Skeleton 20
Emerald Dragonfly Hunting 800 4 200 2 100
Ruby Dragonfly Randomly acquired while Hunting Emerald Dragonfly 2400 4 600 4 150
Fishy Eyeball Randomly acquired while butchering Fish 350 8 43.8 3 14.6
Itsy Bitsy Spider Randomly obtained while Foraging 2000 24 83.3 6 13.8
Itsy Bitsy's Web Randomly obtained while Foraging 5000 36 104.2 10 10.4
Ladybug Hunting 400 4 100 3 33.3
Poppy Flower Farming poppies 500 16:40 (confirm) 1
Petrified Seashell Randomly acquired while Mining 750 60 16.6 5 3.32
Rabid Jackalope Randomly acquired while Hunting Rabbits
Raw Lucky Rabbit's Foot Randomly acquired while butchering a Rabbit 2000 4
River Pearl Randomly acquired while making Boiled River Pearl Mussels 5000 1 5000 15 333.3
Shocked Frog Randomly acquired while Hunting Toads 800 <48 9
Strange Crystal Randomly acquired while Mining (rare) 2000 60 33.3 12 2.78
Strange Root Randomly aquired when removing Stumps 6000 56 (Please Confirm) 15
Wishbone Randomly acquired when butchering a Chicken 1500 24 62.5 5 12.5
Wondrous Woodshaving Randomly acquired while making Boards 8000 40 200 12 16.6