Stone is a game class-type referring to one of the following 70 game-objects:

(n): (Superscript) Number of items in that type-group.
(n): (Subscript) Number of crafts that specifically require this item.
Stones are used in the making of various items, as well as in the construction of many objects.
For information on laying stone and the resultant colors of paved tiles, see: Paving.
How to Acquire
Right-click a boulder and hit "Chip Stone".
All stone types can essentially be found as surface boulders, but these are "while supplies last" as they currently do not respawn. Depending on how close you are to a populated area like the spawn zone, you may have to rely on caves for your stone, which also hold all different stone types in veins. This requires the Mining skill.
Most stones have a quality of 10, but higher quality stones can be found by mining underground and as a byproduct of smelting quality slag.
- Stone can be used to Pave.
- Digging out a cellar produces a number of boulders of the stone type that is directly below in the cave layer. This could be used to get an infinite supply of a certain stone type by destroying and rebuilding the house. Cellars built on ore do not produce ore boulders and instead will find the closest stone type.
- Ore also counts as stone and can thus be stacked into existing stone stockpiles and be used in recipes or construction.
- Ore that fails to smelt into metal will always become slag.
- Most buildings and objects that require stone will have texture of stone(s) used.
- Crafts that require specific type of stone exist. Notable ones include Bone Clay(feldspar), Flint & Steel (flint), Fine Feather Brooch (Schist and Granite), Tafl Board (dolomite and basalt), Oak Spire (quartz) and Golden Cat (Cat Gold and Porphyry)
List of stones
Rendered mineable cave-walls(60) (imgur shared for the moment)