
From Ring of Brodgar
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Vital statistics
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. Mining
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Alabaster, Apatite, Arkose, Basalt, Bat Rock, Black Coal, Black Ore, Bloodstone, Breccia, Cassiterite, Cat Gold, Chalcopyrite, Chert, Cinnabar, Diabase, Diorite, Direvein, Dolomite, Dross, Eclogite, Feldspar, Flint, Fluorospar, Gabbro, Galena, Gneiss, Granite, Graywacke, Greenschist, Heavy Earth, Horn Silver, Hornblende, Iron Ochre, Jasper, Korund, Kyanite, Lava Rock, Lead Glance, Leaf Ore, Limestone, Malachite, Marble, Meteorite, Mica, Microlite, Obsidian, Olivine, Orthoclase, Peacock Ore, Pegmatite... further results
Produced By Boulder, Ore smelter, Cave, Mine Hole
Required By (65) Adder Brooch, Alchemist's Table, Barter Pole, Bell Fountain, Bonfire, Border Cairn, Charter Stone, Cistern, Coronation Stone, Dovecote, Dry Stone Fence, Fealty Stone, Feather Sunfeather, Feather Trinket, Field Cairn, Fireplace, Flagpole, Granary, Grave Cairn, Great Hall, Greenhouse, Grotesque Idol, Lantern Hanger, Menhir, Milestone, Milling Machine, Mine Hole, Mortar & Pestle, Notice Board, Ore Smelter, Oven, Personal Claim, Petraglyph, Potter's Wheel, Primitive Doll, Rattle-Tattle-Talisman, Reed Brooch, Rock Lobster, Runed Dolmen, Seamark, Seer's Stones, Ship Dock, Stack Furnace, Statue of the Chieftain, Steel Crucible, Stone Arrow, Stone Axe, Stone Bench, Stone Casket, Stone Column... further results
QL10 Equipment Statistics
Damage (None)
Go to Objects

Stone is a game class-type referring to one of the following 70 game-objects:

 Alabaster  Alabaster.png Apatite  Apatite.png Arkose  Arkose.png Basalt (2) Basalt.png Bat Rock  Bat Rock.png Black Coal (2) Black Coal.png Black Ore (2) Black Ore.png Bloodstone (2) Bloodstone.png Breccia  Breccia.png Cassiterite (1) Cassiterite.png Cat Gold (4) Cat Gold.png Chalcopyrite (2) Chalcopyrite.png Chert  Chert.png Cinnabar (2) Cinnabar.png Diabase  Diabase.png Diorite  Diorite.png Direvein (2) Direvein.png Dolomite (1) Dolomite.png Dross (3) Dross.png Eclogite  Eclogite.png Feldspar (2) Feldspar.png Flint (3) Flint.png Fluorospar  Fluorospar.png Gabbro  Gabbro.png Galena (1) Galena.png Gneiss (1) Gneiss.png Granite (1) Granite.png Graywacke  Graywacke.png Greenschist  Greenschist.png Heavy Earth (1) Heavy Earth.png Horn Silver (1) Horn Silver.png Hornblende  Hornblende.png Iron Ochre (1) Iron Ochre.png Jasper  Jasper.png Korund (1) Korund.png Kyanite  Kyanite.png Lava Rock (1) Lava Rock.png Lead Glance (1) Lead Glance.png Leaf Ore (2) Leaf Ore.png Limestone (2) Limestone.png Malachite (1) Malachite.png Marble  Marble.png Meteorite (2) Meteorite.png Mica  Mica.png Microlite  Microlite.png Obsidian (1) Obsidian.png Olivine (1) Olivine.png Orthoclase  Orthoclase.png Peacock Ore (1) Peacock Ore.png Pegmatite  Pegmatite.png Porphyry (2) Porphyry.png Pumice  Pumice.png Quarryartz  Quarryartz.png Quartz (2) Quartz.png Rhyolite  Rhyolite.png Rock Crystal (4) Rock Crystal.png Rock Salt (1) Rock Salt.png Sandstone (1) Sandstone.png Schist (1) Schist.png Schrifterz (2) Schrifterz.png Serpentine  Serpentine.png Shard of Conch (1) Shard of Conch.png Silvershine (1) Silvershine.png Slag  Slag.png Slate  Slate.png Soapstone  Soapstone.png Sodalite  Sodalite.png Sunstone (1) Sunstone.png Wine Glance (1) Wine Glance.png Zincspar (1) Zincspar.png

(n): (Superscript) Number of items in that type-group.
(n): (Subscript) Number of crafts that specifically require this item.

Main "Generics" page

Stones are used in the making of various items, as well as in the construction of many objects.

For information on laying stone and the resultant colors of paved tiles, see: Paving.

How to Acquire

Right-click a boulder and hit "Chip Stone".

All stone types can essentially be found as surface boulders, but these are "while supplies last" as they currently do not respawn. Depending on how close you are to a populated area like the spawn zone, you may have to rely on caves for your stone, which also hold all different stone types in veins. This requires the Mining skill.

Most stones have a quality of 10, but higher quality stones can be found by mining underground and as a byproduct of smelting quality slag.


  • Stone can be used to Pave.
  • Digging out a cellar produces a number of boulders of the stone type that is directly below in the cave layer. This could be used to get an infinite supply of a certain stone type by destroying and rebuilding the house. Cellars built on ore do not produce ore boulders and instead will find the closest stone type.
  • Ore also counts as stone and can thus be stacked into existing stone stockpiles and be used in recipes or construction.
  • Ore that fails to smelt into metal will always become slag.
  • Most buildings and objects that require stone will have texture of stone(s) used.
  • Crafts that require specific type of stone exist. Notable ones include Bone Clay(feldspar), Flint & Steel (flint), Fine Feather Brooch (Schist and Granite), Tafl Board (dolomite and basalt), Oak Spire (quartz) and Golden Cat (Cat Gold and Porphyry)

List of stones

Wiki-gears.png Rendered mineable cave-walls(60) (imgur shared for the moment)

Stone Vein
Alabaster.png Alabaster Vein-Alabaster.png
Apatite.png Apatite Vein-Apatite.jpeg
Arkose.png Arkose Vein-Arkose.png
Basalt.png Basalt Vein-Basalt.png
Bat Rock.png Bat Rock Vein-Bat Rock.png
Black Coal.png Black Coal Vein-Black Coal.png
Breccia.png Breccia Vein-Breccia.png
Cat Gold.png Cat Gold (Sometimes received when mining
or chipping any stone/ore source.)
Chert.png Chert Vein-Chert.jpg
Diabase.png Diabase Vein-Diabase.png
Diorite.png Diorite Vein-Diorite.png
Dolomite.png Dolomite Vein-Dolomite.png
Eclogite.png Eclogite Vein-Eclogite.jpg
Feldspar.png Feldspar Vein-Feldspar.png
Flint.png Flint Vein-Flint.png
Fluorospar.png Fluorospar Vein-Fluorospar.png
Gabbro.png Gabbro Vein-Gabbro.jpg
Gneiss.png Gneiss Vein-Gneiss.png
Granite.png Granite Vein-Granite.png
Graywacke.png Graywacke Graywacke-vein.jpg
Greenschist.png Greenschist Vein-Greenschist.jpg
Hornblende.png Hornblende Vein-Hornblende.png
Jasper.png Jasper Vein-Jasper.jpg
Korund.png Korund Vein-Korund.png
Stone Vein
Kyanite.png Kyanite Vein-Kyanite.png
Limestone.png Limestone Vein-Limestone.png
Marble.png Marble Vein-Marble.png
Mica.png Mica Mica vein.jpg
Microlite.png Microlite Vein-Microlite.png
Olivine.png Olivine Vein-Olivine.png
Orthoclase.png Orthoclase Vein-Orthoclase.png
Pegmatite.png Pegmatite Vein-Pegmatite.jpg
Porphyry.png Porphyry Vein-Porphyry.png
Pumice.png Pumice Vein-Pumice.jpg
Quartz.png Quartz Vein-Quartz.png
Rhyolite.png Rhyolite Vein-Rhyolite.jpg
Rock Salt.png Rock Salt Vein-Rock Salt.png
Sandstone.png Sandstone Vein-Sandstone.png
Schist.png Schist Vein-Schist.png
Slag.png Slag (Byproduct of smelting.
As such not available in other forms.)
Serpentine.png Serpentine Vein-Serpentine.jpg
Slate.png Slate Vein-Slate.png
Soapstone.png Soapstone Vein-Soapstone.png
Sodalite.png Sodalite Vein-Sodalite.png
Sunstone.png Sunstone Vein-Sunstone.jpg
Zincspar.png Zincspar Zincspar-vein.jpg
Shard of Conch.png Shard of Conch Chasm Conch Butchered.png