Bar of Tin

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Bar of Tin
Bar of Tin.png
Vital statistics
Size (item)Item (inventory)size.<br><br>xitem & yitem: (<i>non-optional, replacing xsize & ysize.<i>) 1 x 1
Stockpile Stockpile data for (all) items is set at the Stockpile page in the Stockpile property data section.<br><br><i>Please use "Source Edit" mode when editing there.</i> Bar of Any Metal (25)
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Cassiterite
Produced By Ore Smelter or Stack Furnace
Specific Type of Bar of Any Metal, Bar of Common Metal
Required By (6) Adder Crown, Bar of Bronze, Harmonica, Magnifying Glass, Tin Nugget, Woodsman's Axe, (Bar of Any Metal (44): Alchemist's Table, Battle Standard, Bell Fountain, Brazier, Candelabrum, Candle Crown, Cellar, Charter Stone, Coins, Coronation Stone, Elegant Table, Fealty Stone, Flagpole, Garden Bench, Glass Blowing Rod, Grand Belt, Greenhouse, Hatrack, Kicksled, Lantern, Lantern Hanger, Lantern Stand, Metal Cabinet, Metal Lock, Metal Saucière, Mine Beam, Mine Hole, Packrack, Postbox, Royal Stool, Royal Throne, Sawmill, Seamark, Ship Dock, Sleigh, Statue of the Chieftain, Still, Stonestead, Thing Challenge, Village Buoy, Village Claim, Wagon, Wagon Station, Watermill), (Bar of Common Metal (10): Branding Iron, Frying Pan, Knarr, Metal Cauldron, Mine Elevator, Mine Support, Nugget of Any Metal, Nugget of Common Metal, Tinker's Shovel, Tinker's Throwing Axe)
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Bar of Tin is a type of metal acquired from Mining and Smelting Metal Ores using buildings such as an Ore Smelter, Crucible, or Stack Furnace. Due to the inherent dangers of mining and relative scarcity of ore, all types of metal are highly sought after. A Bar of Tin can be used to craft any tool or build any structure requiring a Bar of Common Metal.

A Bar of Tin is one of the least valuable metals due to its lack of crafting recipes, availability, and general low quality. However, it is equally important in crafting Bronze

How to Acquire

First, one must acquire metal ore by mining it from the walls of a Mine Hole or Cave.

Next, the ore must be loaded into an Ore Smelter. At least twelve units of Coal or Black Coal must be added to the smelter by right-clicking on it, while holding a unit of coal on the cursor. Finally, use a Firebrand or Torch to light the smelter.

After roughly 50 minutes, the process will be complete. The percentage of ore to bars will be directly resultant of the type of ore smelted, modified by whether you possess any additional mining skills. Any ore that does not become a bar will become Slag.
