Boreworm Hide
Vital statistics
2 x 1
Stack Stacking data for (all) items is set at the Stack page in the Stacking property data section.<br><i>Please use "Source Edit" mode when editing this.</i>
Max:4 (Prepared Hides)
Stockpile Stockpile data for (all) items is set at the Stockpile page in the Stockpile property data section.<br><br><i>Please use "Source Edit" mode when editing there.</i>
Hide (30)
Object(s) Required
Fresh Boreworm Hide
Produced By
Drying Frame
Specific Type of
Leather, Prepared Animal Hide
Required By
(Leather (66): Ancestral Shrine, Bear Coat, Beaver Wrist Guards, Boar Tusk Helmet, Bone Chest, Bone Greaves, Bronze Helm, Bronze Plate, Coffer, Coracle, Cottage Table, Cottage Throne, Dressing Table, Drum & Sticks, Elegant Table, Family Heirloom, Fine Feather Brooch, Fisherman's Hat, Garden Shed, Gold Spoon-Lure, Greased Joints, Hardened Leather, Hunter's Belt, Hunter's Bow, Hunter's Quiver, Kozhukh, Laddie's Cap, Large Chest, Leather Armor, Leather Backpack, Leather Ball, Leather Basket, Leather Boots, Leather Coat, Leather Fabric, Leather Merchant's Hat, Leather Pants, Leather Patch, Leather Pocket, Leather Purse, Lynx Claw Gloves, Mine Hole, Miner's Helm, Moose Hide Jacket, Packrack, Palisade, Plate Armor, Plate Boots, Plate Gauntlets, Plate Greaves... further results), (Prepared Animal Hide (23): Bagpipe, Creel, Custom Image Sketch, Drum & Sticks, Feather Band, Fur Boots, Fur Cloak, Gelatin, Hide Layer, Hide Strap, Leather, Parchment, Poor Man's Gloves, Potent Rod, Rough Guard Patch, Rough Polish, Sling, Still Life, Stinging Poultice, Wanderer's Bindle, Waterskin, Wilderness Skis, Woodsman's Ushanka)
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The product after hanging a Fresh Boreworm Hide on a Drying Frame.
- Entire, intact dried Boreworm Hide also counts as a single peace of Leather.