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String: to be or not to be a string

Related to topic: Talk:Silk Thread#Silk Thread vs String - (Golden Thread part)
Related other: infobox_*, specific, string (and potentially some other specifics too ...)

... (wip/todo) digging around RoB a bit to collect additional related data (and ideas, hopefully). --.MvGulik. 12:46, 28 January 2019 (EST)

String: to be or not to be a string (data dump/pull)

Specific:String: (17) Bark Cordage, Cattail Fibres, Finer Plant Fibre, Flax Fibre, Grass Twine, Hemp Fibre, Hide Strap, Mohair Yarn, Reed Twine, Spindly Taproot, Stinging Nettle, Straw Twine, Toadflax, Tough Root, Troll Hair, Wildfibre, Yarn
Requires:String: (count:147) Archery Target, Badger Hide Vest, Badger's Pouch, Bark Reinforcement, Barkboat, Bat Wing, Battle Standard, Batwing Necklace, Bear Cape, Bear Coat, Bear Tooth Talisman, Beast Ring, Beaver Cap, Beaver Wrist Guards, Birchbark Backpack, Boar Tusk Helmet, Bone Arrow, Boreworm Mask, Bouquet of Flowers, Bunny Slippers, Bushcraft Fishingpole, Bushcraft Fishline, Cachalot Charm, Cave Angler Cape, Chef's Hat, Chitin Helmet, Chitin Sequins, Cigar, Cloth Pocket, Cold Compress, Copper Comet, Crabshell Sunfeather, Creel, Cutthroat Cuirass, Cylinder Hat, Demijohn, Dream Catcher, Drying Frame, Ermine Trimming, Feather Band, Feather Duster, Feather Stuffing, Feather Sunfeather, Feather Trinket, Felt Hat, Fiddle & Bow, Flint Knife, Folded Roasting Spit, Fox Hat, Fur Boots, Fur Cloak, Gift Box, Glass Beads, Gold Cloth Pocket, Hardened Leather Pocket, Heraldic Cape, Honey Wayband, Hop Garland, Horrible Knot, Hunter's Bow, Hunter's Quiver, Laddie's Cap, Lead Talisman, Leanto, Leather Armor, Leather Backpack, Leather Ball, Leather Basket, Leather Boots, Leather Coat, Leather Merchant's Hat, Leather Pants, Leather Patch, Leather Pocket, Leather Purse, Lobster Pot, Loom, Lute, Lynx Cape, Macabre Fishline, Merchant's Robe, Metal Arrow, Molehide Pants, Moose Hide Jacket, Nine-Tails, Obsidian Dagger, Onion Braid, Packed Pouch, Pearl Necklace, Plain Tabard, Plumb-Bob, Plush Bat, Pointed Cap, Primitive Casting-Rod, Primitive Doll, Quilted Wadding, Rainbow Shell Amulet, Rat Hat, Rattle-Tattle-Talisman, Reed Ship, Reedweave Belt, Reindeer Cape, Reindeer Parka, Rope, Rope Walk, Rough Guard Patch, Salt Roulade, Seal Hide Hoses, Silk Pocket, Silk Purse, Silken Ribbon, Sling, Snakeskin Boots, Spinning Wheel, Splint, Sprucecap, Squirrel's Pouch, Stinging Poultice, Stitch Patch, Stitched Casing, Stitched Leather Coaster, Stone Arrow, Straw Doll, Stuffed Bear, Stuffed Bird, Tallow Candle, Thing Challenge, Torch, Traveller's Sack, Trellis, Troll Pocket, Turtleshell Helmet, Vapntreyiu, Walrus Boots, Walrus Cape, Wanderer's Bindle, Waterflask, Waterskin, Wax Candle, Wilderness Skis, Wolf Cape, Wolverine Boots, Woodland Cuirass, Woodland Greaves, Wool Cloth Collar, Wool Stuffing, Wreath of Laurels