
From Ring of Brodgar
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Adder Crown1L
Adderfang Amulet2L3
Ant Crown1L
Ant Queen's Wings9L; 7R
Armored Striders9R140053
Ashen Robes3L; 7L
Badger Hide Vest3L; 3R10021
Bagpipe5L and 5R
Bandit's Mask2R
Bat Crown1L
Bat Wing9L13833
Battle Standard5L or 5R or 7R
Battleaxe of the Twelfth Bay5L and 5R
Bear Cape1L and 9L6
Bear Coat7L32
Bear Tooth Talisman2L35
Beast Ring6L; 6R21
Beaver Cap1L1
Beaver Crown1L
Beaver Wrist Guards4L11512
Bee Crown1L
Bee Queen's Wings9L; 7R
Birchbark Backpack7R
Boar Spear5L and 5R
Boar Tusk Helmet1L5017
Bone Greaves8R-37545
Bone Saw5L or 5R
Boreworm Mask1R and 2R26021
Bouquet of Flowers
Bronze Helm1L-24085
Bronze Plate3R-74502015
Bronze Sword5L or 5R
Bucket5L or 5R
Bull Pipe2R
Bunny Slippers9R
Bushcraft Fishingpole5L or 5R
Butcher's Cleaver5L or 5R
Cachalot Charm2L23
Candle Crown1L
Cave Angler Cape1L and 9L221
Cave Coral Ring6L; 6R2
Ceramic Knife5L or 5R
Chainmail Shirt3R-55001515
Chef's Hat1L
Chieftain's Hat1L
Chitin Helmet1L-15002
Clay Pipe2R
Clothier's Thimble6L; 6R2
Corndolly Lantern5L or 5R
Cutblade5L and 5R
Cutthroat Cuirass3R24001515
Cutthroat Knuckles4L
Cylinder Hat1L
Darkwood Ring6L; 6R33
Dev Cape9L
Diver's Weight5L and 5R
Dowsing Rod5L and 5R
Dragon Helm1L5-120099
Druid's Cloak7L; 1L (optional)55
Druid's Helm1L-14584
Druid's Ring6L; 6R35
Drum & Sticks5L and 5R
Exquisite Belt4R
Family Heirloom2L
Feather Band1L
Feather Sunfeather5L or 5R
Felt Hat1L
Fiddle & Bow5L and 5R
Fisherman's Hat1L
Flint Knife5L or 5R
Flute5L and 5R
Forge Ring6L; 6R5
Fox Hat1L1
Frying Pan5L or 5R
Fur Boots9R
Fur Cloak7L
Fyrdsman's Sword5L or 5R
Gauze1R and 2R
Goat Mask1R and 2R
Grand Belt4R
Grand Troll Helm1L5-1250610
Grass Cape9L1
Grass Crown1L
Grass Pants8L; 8R
Grass Shirt3L; 3R
Grass Skirt8L; 8R
Hemp Pants8L; 8R
Hemp Shirt3L; 3R
Heraldic Cape9L
Hermine Cape9L
Hermine Cloak7L
Hide Cloak7L
Hirdsman's Cape9L
Hirdsman's Helmet1L-24564
Hirdsman's Sword5L or 5R
Horse Nomad's Helm1L515045
Hunter's Belt4R
Hunter's Bow5L and 5R
Hunter's Quiver7R
Hunter's Shirt3L; 3R
Hussar's Wings9L; 7R103023
Irrlantern5L or 5R
Jack-o'-Mask1R and 2R
Laddie's Cap1L
Lantern5L or 5R
Lawspeaker's Hat1L
Lawspeaker's Robes7L
Lead Talisman2L21
Leather Armor3R-110045
Leather Backpack7R
Leather Boots9R1513
Leather Coat7L
Leather Merchant's Hat1L
Leather Pants8R-27534
Leek5L or 5R
Linen Pants8L; 8R
Linen Shirt3L; 3R
Lute5L and 5R
Lynx Cape1L and 9L4
Lynx Claw Gloves4L5
Mammoth Guard3R10-556001520
Mask of the Green Man1R and 2R10
Merchant's Pants8L; 8R
Merchant's Ring6L; 6R33333333
Merchant's Robe7L
Metal Axe5L or 5R
Metal Saw5L or 5R
Metal Shovel5L and 5R
Meteoring6L; 6R155
Miner's Helm1L8524
Mohair Shirt3L; 3R
Molehide Pants8L; 8R
Moose Hide Jacket3L; 3R
Mortar & Pestle5L and 5R
Nettle Pants8L; 8R1
Nettle Shirt3L; 3R1
Obsidian Dagger5L or 5R
Occult Ring6L; 6R77
Pearl Necklace2L
Pickaxe5L and 5R
Plain Tabard7L
Plate Armor3R-101002515
Plate Boots9R-245075
Plate Gauntlets4L-13024
Plate Greaves8R-10100188
Plate Helmet1L-26096
Pointed Cap1L
Poor Man's Belt4R
Poor Man's Gloves4L
Primitive Casting-Rod5L or 5R
Rabbit's Foot Necklace2L32
Raider's Cap1L17064
Rainbow Shell Amulet2L23
Ranger's Boots9R5833
Ranger's Bow5L and 5R
Ranger's Cape1L and 9L
Ranger's Pants8L; 8R
Ranger's Shirt3L; 3R
Rectangular Parchment Lantern5L or 5R
Reedweave Belt4R
Reindeer Cape1L and 9L2
Reindeer Parka3L; 3R
Ring of Brodgar (Jewelry)6L; 6R55
Royal Crown1L
Rusalka's Water Moccasins9R
Scarlet Gown7L
Scythe5L and 5R
Seal Hide Hoses8L; 8R1
Seer's Hood1L and 9L
Seer's Shoes9R
Seer's Tunic7L
Shears5L or 5R
Silk Gloves4L
Silver for the Ferryman6L; 6R
Sledgehammer5L and 5R
Sling5L or 5R
Smithy's Hammer5L or 5R
Snakeskin Belt4R
Snakeskin Boots9R
Splint5L or 5R
Stone Axe5L or 5R
Straw Cape9L
Straw Hat1L
Swan Feather Cape9L
Thane's Helm1L-19088
Thane's Ring6L; 6R1057
The Abominable Snowman1R and 2R
The Perfect Hole6L; 6R
Tinker's Shovel5L and 5R
Tinker's Throwing Axe5L or 5R
Torch5L or 5R
Traveller's Sack5L or 5R
Troll Belt4R
Turtleshell Helmet1L-110023
Vapntreyiu3L; 7L10034
Völva's Wand5L and 5R
Walrus Boots9R21
Walrus Cape1L and 9L12
Wanderer's Bindle5L or 5R
Whaler's Jacket3L; 3R3175075
Whitemetal Ring6L; 6R12
Wicker Picker5L or 5R
Wilderness Skis7R
Winged Helmet1L1250106
Wolf Cape1L and 9L42
Wolverine Boots9R
Wooden Roundshield5L or 5R7531
Wooden Shovel5L and 5R
Woodland Crown1L
Woodland Cuirass3R-114023
Woodland Greaves8R-114022
Woodsman's Axe5L or 5R
Woodsman's Tunic3L; 3R
Woodsman's Ushanka1L
Wool Pants8L; 8R
Wool Shirt3L; 3R